EDIT: heres a short version of the story
i got my hands on an account that had an angelic halo tryed to move it around, got an auto bann
then when i refreshed the page i was logged off of the account and couldn't log back in to it =w=
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Thread: Auto ban?!
- 15 Aug. 2011 02:25am #1
Auto ban?!
Last edited by cclown23; 15 Aug. 2011 at 02:42am.
- 15 Aug. 2011 02:28am #2
i can't even describe what im thinking about you right now...
- 15 Aug. 2011 02:34am #3
Well, lets pretend this actually happened.
If gaia see's and angelic halo moving around they will most likely ban you.yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 15 Aug. 2011 04:02am #4
Name of the account and password to confirm you own the halo that is banned. If not, you're lying.
- 15 Aug. 2011 04:09am #5
Please quit spamming. The Angelic Halo is Gaia's rarest item. All Angelic Halo's are extremely watched. If someone is found logging into an Angelic Halo, they usually change all it's information either to previous information or to something else. It's protection. Imagine if someone were to sell one of those. The Economy could either take a massive dump, or everything would inflate extremely high. I'm assuming if you were the original owner of the account they would ask you valuable information to determine this.
- 15 Aug. 2011 04:37am #6
Wasn't sure if that was directed to me Chad, but if it was. The name of the account would do. There are plenty of ways to backtrack the few angelic halos which exist on gaia. There's no way any random person luckily bumped into an angelic halo and so nonchalantly (and idiotically) moved it around.
- 15 Aug. 2011 04:53am #7
Must we treat everyone with such suspicion?
In answer to your question, yes, they are monitored (more than likely with some form of automated system). I've logged in to a couple of abandoned accounts with halos, and without even doing anything other than logging in, they were both banned within 24 hours.
- 15 Aug. 2011 05:05am #8
Well, I'll let it drop Arti. I'm a paranoid type of person though unfortunately. That is apart of my nature
I do apologize for the abruptness. Still, since they are most certainly the rarest items in the game, it's hard to believe that logging into an account with one could be done by just anyone really :p
- 15 Aug. 2011 09:33am #9
- 15 Aug. 2011 11:26pm #10
gaia sucks dont know why i stil platy it
- 16 Aug. 2011 12:11am #11
- 16 Aug. 2011 11:41pm #12
If I got an ACTIVE Angelic Halo account I'd most likely Geek hard then transfer most of the valuable items from my account to the Angelic Halo one. I would probably still be banned, but still, its a more cautious way of keeping the halo.