Alright, since the other sites are mostly dead, I'm asking LG.
I've got a few different ideas for programs. What I want from you is feature ideas for these programs.
1. MP Bot
2. Hangout Clients: Towns/Rally/Hollywood?/etc? Not trainers, actual clients. Working on Towns so far.
3. Hangout Bots: A scripting language for you to create macros to be activated on command. Towns/Rally/Hollywood?/etc?
4. Fishing Bot (I've been working on this one, but it's on hiatus. I have to switch languages)
5. Other bots? Name some.
1. Auto-buy? Auto-sale feature? Gimme options you'd need.
2. I'm thinking of adding in bonuses like Blue names for friends, and some blue shade for friends of friends?
3. Yeah, I can't really list ideas for this since it'll have a sort of scripting add-on, or whatever.
4. I dunno, I haven't looked at fishing well enough.
5. Jigsaw would be easy since the client obviously knows what goes where. It could just automatically solve them.
Results 1 to 16 of 16
- 01 Jun. 2011 03:39pm #1
Need Community Input | Programs Anyone?
Last edited by Personoid; 01 Jun. 2011 at 03:43pm.
- 02 Jun. 2011 07:03pm #2
1.) Don't we have enough of those already? So unless you can make features out-of-the-box I don't support that idea.
2.) What you have in mind (blue shades and whatnot could be implemented via ActionScript, so unless you can pull of some spectacular user-friendly interface(s) moreso than the original(s) I don't really know what to suggest). But if you're planning to do this just for the overall thrill of it then go for it.
3.) A bit redundant don't you think? Maybe create a standalone tool similar. Yeah, that should suffice.
4.) I'm sure you have good reserved features in mind for this project, I hope so, because I don't lol.
5.) Jigsaw. That should work. Don't have anything else in mind.
Best of luck Perso.Last edited by Chad's mad; 02 Jun. 2011 at 07:12pm.
- 04 Jun. 2011 12:59am #3
A program-based flw/flp/fake towns thing? Like it can be controlled by a program. I don't know how to elaborate more on that.
Or, a bot that does booty grabbing, fishing and other games at the same time.(Can also support multiple accounts.)
I don't know how possible these are, just asking.
An auto trade bot that's public would be nice also.
- 04 Jun. 2011 01:02am #4
- 04 Jun. 2011 01:08am #5
No, thank you guys. It's pretty cool to see how talented our programmers are.
Anyways, I forgot to say(but it should go without saying) the booty grab bot should have captcha support. I think also someone said something asking for a new auto poster as well?
- 04 Jun. 2011 01:14am #6
- 04 Jun. 2011 01:18am #7
That's right Perso. lol I remember over at ZZ you said something about being against phishing and hacking others. That's fine. If the other bots work, I won't need to jack gold from others. Thanks in advance for your guy's help.
- 04 Jun. 2011 02:15am #8
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How bout some gaia cash bot?
- 07 Jun. 2011 12:46pm #9
- 07 Jun. 2011 01:32pm #10
Really bahoo asking another person my idea when i'm just about finished with it all i need to do is upload it today and i can send it to those who i trust but it looks like i lost some of those people yesterday...
- 07 Jun. 2011 05:44pm #11
I'm guessing BaHoo thinks there's a way to obtain Gaia Cash other than actually buying it.
Which there isn't, might I add. Other than scamming, surveys and things like that.
But yeah, botting for Gaia Cash is completely out of the question.Last edited by Chad's mad; 07 Jun. 2011 at 05:49pm.
- 07 Jun. 2011 06:03pm #12
no its possible to bot gaia cash all the bot does is auto confirm and sends the admin a fake pm from who ever you did the offer from, confirming it and when the admin gets this they will confirm it and wala you got your gaia cash because it worked for me.
- 07 Jun. 2011 07:34pm #13
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I say you make us a program that utilizes a scripting language made for making gaia bots. Look at Bman's post in UGB if you want an example
It was a project that he started, but never finished, as he was banned D: Still not sure why though
EDIT: Forgot your not UGB sorryI can't really copy it over, as that would be revealing top secret UGB materialz
Lol jk but seriously, I wish you were in UGB so you could see
- 07 Jun. 2011 10:03pm #14
Your BS amuses me.
But feel free to prove me and everyone else who actually know what they're talking about wrong.
For the love of god, no one wants a program that can utilize a scripting language, it's highly redundant. If someone has the knowledge to make a bot, they should have the knowledge to be able to learn an actual language.
Edit: You know what, I'll do you a favor. Since you're fairly new to AutoIt I'll make you an HTTP module (or wrapper, however you guys address it). You won't have to manually reference the COM object, manually setup your headers, manually append proxies to your connection, nothing. Note that I'm only suggesting this because that's where you're heading with that post; a simplified way of making Gaia bots. I already made a suggestion of what Perso should do regarding the 'scripting language for bots' idea. Refer to my first post. A standalone application would suffice.Last edited by Chad's mad; 07 Jun. 2011 at 11:30pm.
- 08 Jun. 2011 02:35am #15
Hello, I was wondering if you could edit this script from user GamingMedley(GAMEchief in here), whom decided to not continue updating it; actually is very old & so it doesn't works since it has an old source from Gaia. Basically what it does is to let you click only once the "buy item button" in the Marketplace, without the need of putting your password to confirm the vending.
Code:// ==UserScript== // @name Gaia Online: Automatically Buy Items in the Marketplace // @namespace // @description Automatically buys an item on the Item Detail screen. // @include* // @include* // @version 2.6 // ==/UserScript== // These should be filled in if you have multiple accounts. // These passwords are needed for the "verify password" screen // that appears when you attempt to buy an item. // If the username you're using isn't on the list, // the default_password will be used, which is useful // if your accounts share the same password. var passwords = { "Username1" : "password1", "Username2" : "password2", "Username3" : "password3", '*' : "passworddefault" // default password }; // No need to edit below this line. var username = document.body.innerHTML.match(/<li class="avatarName">Welcome back <span style=".+?" class=".+?">(.+?)!<\/span><\/li>/i)[1]; var anchs = document.getElementsByTagName('a'), buyAll = new Array(), buyAllLink = document.createElement('a'), buyingAllItems = false, buySort = document.getElementById("header_buyprice"), gaiaPassword = (typeof(passwords[username]) == "string" ? passwords[username] : passwords['*']), an; var Ajax = function(type, url, params, onrsc) { http = new XMLHttpRequest();, url + (type == "GET" && typeof(params) == "string" ? '?' + params : ""), true); http.onreadystatechange = onrsc; if (type == "POST") { http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); http.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", params.length); http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } http.send(type == "GET" ? null : params); }, buyAllItems = function() { buyingAllItems = true; if (buyAll.length) { var id = buyAll.shift(); if (document.getElementById("id" + id)) buyItem(document.getElementById("id" + id)); else buyAllItems(); } else setTimeout("location.reload();", 300000); }, buyItem = function(bi) { if (typeof(bi.getAttribute) == "undefined") bi = this; bi.removeEventListener("click", buyItem, false); var id = bi.getAttribute("id").split("id")[1], userstore = bi.getAttribute("title").split("Store ID: ")[1]; Ajax("GET", "/marketplace/userstore/" + userstore + "/buy/?id=" + id, false, function() { if (http.readyState == 4) { if (temp = http.responseText.match(/name="nonce" value="(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"/)) { var nonce = temp[1]; Ajax("POST", "/marketplace/userstore/" + userstore + "/buy/?id=" + id + "&step=submit", "password=" + gaiaPassword + "&nonce=" + nonce, function() { if (http.readyState == 4) { var buyNowLink = document.getElementById("id" + id); if (temp = http.responseText.match(/<strong>Congratulations!<\/strong> You have purchased <strong>(.*)\.<\/strong><br \/><br \/>/)) { buyNowLink.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(buyNowLink.parentNode.parentNode); if (buyingAllItems) buyAllItems(); } else if (temp = http.responseText.match(/<strong>(There were one or more errors while processing your request:)<\/strong><br \/>\s+<div class="errorMsg">([\s\w=><\.\"\/]+)<\/div>/)) { = "#f0c0c0"; alert(temp[1] + "\n" + temp[2]); } else if (http.responseText.match(/you might have submitted the form twice, please do not refresh pages when you are submitting forms/)) { for (var t = 0; t < 100000000; t++) { /* just wastin' time */ } buyItem(document.getElementById("id" + id)); } else { var temp = http.responseText; while (temp.length) { alert(temp.substring(0, 5000)); temp = temp.substring(5000, temp.length); } } } } ); } else alert("This item is no longer for sale. :("); } } ); }; for (an = 0; an < anchs.length; an++) { if ((anchs[an].className.match(/transaction_button/)) && (anchs[an].getAttribute("href").match(/\/buy\//))) { var id = anchs[an].getAttribute("href").split("id=")[1], userstore = anchs[an].getAttribute("href").split("userstore/")[1].split("/buy")[0]; buyAll.push(id); anchs[an].setAttribute("id", "id" + id); anchs[an].setAttribute("title", "Store ID: " + userstore); anchs[an].setAttribute("href", "javascript: void(0);"); anchs[an].addEventListener("click", buyItem, false); } } buyAllLink.addEventListener("click", buyAllItems, false); buyAllLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Buy All")); buyAllLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);"); buyAllLink.setAttribute("id", "buy-all-link"); buySort.appendChild(document.createTextNode('/')); buySort.appendChild(buyAllLink); if (location.href.match(/\?auto/)) buyAllItems();
Last edited by ElBurroLoco; 08 Jun. 2011 at 03:17am.
- 08 Jun. 2011 02:42am #16
Technically this isn't spam, hopefully "u ADMAINS" can figure out why.