I made this thread regarding the phrase I see frequently around in general.
But is this true? Discuss.Originally Posted by Some person
Do you think cracking is truly gone / will be back?
@The people who actually have knowledge of these sorts of things, give a detailed answer to my question.
i.e - Cracking isn't possible because blahblahblah.
P.S: If this isn't the appropriate location for this thread, please move it accordingly.
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Thread: [Discuss] Cracking
- 17 Apr. 2011 05:09am #1
[Discuss] Cracking
- 17 Apr. 2011 12:27pm #2
Gaia Mobile nuff said, but there are alot better methods for getting in now...
- 17 Apr. 2011 01:02pm #3
There's always ways to manipulate/gather from sites, you just need skill.
- 17 Apr. 2011 04:28pm #4
That isn't an efficient method if functional at all.
Also, there are probably about two ways left to coin a cracker that actually works.
There are few people left on Gaia who has this "skill" you speak of.
I haven't seen an operational cracker in a good year or so.
- 18 Apr. 2011 12:44am #5
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I think hes trying to say that Gaia Mobile dosen't have capchas. The only way you could make cracking gaia possible is if gaia didn't update their capchas and someone made a crack for them. Just look up cracking capchas or auto capcha crack on google, some older capchas are crackable, normally only one or two versions behind the current ones. The hackers are catching up
- 18 Apr. 2011 02:02am #6
Weird, Gaia Mobile isn't authenticating my account at all.
Also, word on the street has it that after approximately 100 failed login attempts Gaia Mobile, or wap, blocks your IP from interfacing with it by any means.
Yeah, hackers are catching up, but security is catching up also.
- 18 Apr. 2011 05:37pm #7
what is gaia mobile?
- 19 Apr. 2011 07:36pm #8
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The mobile version of gaia optimized for iPhones, smart phones, and normal phone browsers
- 20 Apr. 2011 04:00am #9
can you use it for rally?
- 21 Apr. 2011 12:52am #10
- 21 Apr. 2011 09:57pm #11
I've built a working cracker in the last few days. It's currently very inefficient. It allows you to make 3.3~/s, 200/m, 12000/h, 288000/d. seconds/minutes/hours/days. It's not very efficient (it makes 1 request every 300 ms). It's web based (which is why it's so slow). Faster speeds would crash the browser or increase the load to a point that it's not very reasonable to use it. I've run some numbers and theorize that a desktop app using the same method would increase speed 7-10x. For anyone wh
uld like to try this cracker, PM me.
Anyway. No. I don't believe cracking is obsolete. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have 1000 passwords and 1000 accounts, you try 1000 accounts/passwords for each account/password. Is that 1 million or is it 1000^1000 instead of 1000*1000?
If it's 1000*1000, then 1000*1000 / 288000 is 3.4222~. Meaning... Leaving my cracker open in browser would allow you to run 1000 attempts for 1000 usernames in 3.4222~ days. I don't think that's very obsolete at all.
At 7 times that speed (desktop app), you have 23/s 1400/m 84k/h 2.016m/d.
I could be wrong. I'm not really great with applying math to anything but book problems.