I wanted to challenge myself, so I made a new account and what not. With trades disabled (still disabled since the account's so new), I made 50k on my first day. This is my third day, and without buying more than starter items and a zombie potion, I've got 150k and a cash shop item worth 500k waiting to be sold thanks to a crappy insurance offer that I filled out with completely bogus information. If I play booty grab tomorrow, I'll have 200k gold and potentially an additional 500k, since I'll be able to buy, sell and trade in the marketplace.
In short, Gaia is not hard. I mostly dicked around, but I figure you only need to spend 2 hours a day to make at least 50k (maybe more if you run into tanks that don't suck, and this amount goes up if you don't suck a zOMG).
And they say hackers are what's ruining the Gaia economy. No, Gaia, I'm afraid this one's all you.)
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Thread: Gaia's too easy.
- 11 Jan. 2011 01:03am #1
Gaia's too easy.
- 11 Jan. 2011 01:19am #2
yeah, gaias pretty easy. that's why the older collectibles cost so much. i think i have the most fun playing the market though. its like the stock market, without losing all your money.
- 11 Jan. 2011 01:27am #3
The 03s are actually losing value because of all the cash shop items that stop being sold.
And yeah, it's fun to play the market. They've taken the fun out of hacking, though, because it's become pointless to me to have a bunch of stolen accounts with items that probably aren't worth very much anyway.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
- 12 Jan. 2011 03:06pm #4
agreed, hacking kinda has lost its fun. and i used to really enjoy it when i was starting. it was kinda a rush when you got a big score and then try to secure it. now ive gotten so lazy that the last time i hacked i recruited a younger gaian to do it for me. i set him up with an FLP and he deceived people as eagerly as i did with my first FLP. this is better though because i'm now putting my efforts toward learning to program bots.
- 12 Jan. 2011 06:53pm #5When trading with me, you agree that: (updated 10/24/10)
- I will always message you from this account.
- After I send you the account information, I will not be held responsible if it gets banned or hacked.
- There will be no refund to any sales I make.
- Either you go first, or we use a middleman, unless you have more itrader feedback then I do.
- The middleman used will be from this forum, not another forum.