We all hate sponsors, they all come with bad items.
But what is your favorite?
I like the mimzy one kinda.
Results 1 to 40 of 43
Thread: Favorite sponsor
- 10 Nov. 2009 02:47pm #1
Favorite sponsor
- 10 Nov. 2009 03:14pm #2
i don't know
for girls avatar i would say the tampon one cause of the dress
but for the guys i just don't know ?_?
all the sponsor items such
- 10 Nov. 2009 06:01pm #3
i guess the mimzy one wa cool.. but i cant think of anything else atm
- 10 Nov. 2009 06:03pm #4
Gaia is rly .... they make everythin for sponsors ...
but i like the facebook team jacket :eek:
- 10 Nov. 2009 06:07pm #5
I'm not really a fan of sponsor items in general, but I don't mind the Skittles contacts.
- 10 Nov. 2009 06:08pm #6
Lol faceboook jacket
- 10 Nov. 2009 06:57pm #7I like skittles, xP
Haha, just kidding.
I think the mimzy is the best, haven't saw the fb jacket though -.-
- 10 Nov. 2009 09:45pm #8
I liked the mimzy one :0
- 10 Nov. 2009 09:46pm #9
Mimzy or Skittles, skittles wasn't too good, but skittles are still my favorite type of candy.
- 10 Nov. 2009 09:47pm #10
The skittles one was good too i guess.. I like skittles too
- 10 Nov. 2009 09:48pm #11
Only problem with Skittles is that I highly doubt that they'll ever be high in price.
- 10 Nov. 2009 10:24pm #12
The skittle one is annoying v-v
Verizon was best.
- 10 Nov. 2009 10:35pm #13
Verizon was pretty cool.. I liked that one too
- 10 Nov. 2009 10:46pm #14
I wasn't here for verizon.
What items did they give out?
- 10 Nov. 2009 10:48pm #15
I think it was a verizon Like mp3 thingy..
- 10 Nov. 2009 11:38pm #16
Mimzy? Wow, that was awhile ago.
Skittles contacts are handy for crazy avis.LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 10 Nov. 2009 11:38pm #17
- 10 Nov. 2009 11:41pm #18
I like the bunny too, its just a cute little thingy [:
- 10 Nov. 2009 11:43pm #19
The razor one is funny ;D
- 10 Nov. 2009 11:43pm #20
- 11 Nov. 2009 12:06am #21
None, it is all gay. D:
- 11 Nov. 2009 03:42am #22
I like the skittles one also
but to be honest damn skittles they gave me a cavity!
- 11 Nov. 2009 03:50am #23
All of them suck, I don't think I can remember one that was worth anything
I'm tired of the skittles one.
- 11 Nov. 2009 03:56am #24
I hate the skittles XD
I got a ton of Harry Potter items when that movie came out.
- 11 Nov. 2009 04:41am #25
skittles was good!.
- 11 Nov. 2009 04:43am #26
Im With djmaxtothema haha i do like both actually but i dont quite have a favorite one
- 11 Nov. 2009 04:56am #27
Mimzy is the best quest item.
The rest are horrible, What common use could we have for a pot of skittles (With a rainbow of skittles at the top), It wrecks the use of a cauldron, ect.
- 11 Nov. 2009 03:10pm #28
Umm... I like the mokona hat ^^'' and I may the single one here that does... -__-
Mimzy was nice... But I still find mokona better xD
- 11 Nov. 2009 03:15pm #29
Venus Razor. I got a virtual bikini.
- 11 Nov. 2009 03:19pm #30
I like the skittles fish, so far it's the only item I like
- 11 Nov. 2009 03:22pm #31
Umm... I somehow like Skittles Crazy Core Contacts... just because they are a bit similar to gimpi
- 11 Nov. 2009 04:08pm #32
- 11 Nov. 2009 04:44pm #33
Do the one with Obama
It has obama's pic on it
Just answer the question and wait 24 hours
- 11 Nov. 2009 04:47pm #34
- 11 Nov. 2009 09:28pm #35
WWE ones were cool, I liked the items. Sledgehammer and chain.
- 11 Nov. 2009 09:30pm #36
My little bro liked the wwe one
Its pretty cool i guess..
- 11 Nov. 2009 10:01pm #37
facebook jacket and mimzy
- 11 Nov. 2009 10:04pm #38
Another good one i liked was sour patches ;D i love them lol..
- 11 Nov. 2009 10:32pm #39
- 11 Nov. 2009 10:46pm #40
all the skittles items. If properly used, they can turn out pretty cool looking... like one of the face paints sorta looks like scratches or scars