So I wanna use a booty grab bot
and not get caught aha so is there a guide on how to do this?
Results 1 to 15 of 15
- 18 Sep. 2010 11:53pm #1
How do you bot and not get caught
- 18 Sep. 2010 11:55pm #2
It's not possible. Gaia logs almost everything..
- 19 Sep. 2010 12:01am #3
- 19 Sep. 2010 12:33am #4
Well, YOU CAN TRY to make it seem legit by setting your options and botting speed as low as possible.. but eventually they'll catch on.
- 19 Sep. 2010 01:42am #5
- 19 Sep. 2010 04:02pm #6
I must say that, in my opinion, you'll get caught.. it's like even if you try to make it as innocent as possible, they are not dumb (plus I believe that at least one must be here... HI SUCKERS! ;p), and well they will be like.... boy, we're dealing with people like you since 2005, no excuses.
Or shit, I don't know, that's the way I see things, at least try it with a mule or a fresh new account. *shrugs*The most inactive LG user. <3
- 19 Sep. 2010 06:30pm #7
Well no matter what any bot/hack gives you a chance of being banned.
Just cause you don't get banned today doesn't mean they won't get bored and randomly check your logs. Then ban you a year later.
- 19 Sep. 2010 08:15pm #8
There is a way around, you can have alot of accounts.
When you use the bot use a random user, then you transfer bit after bit over to another account. Then finally to your main. I am not saing that this is bulletproof, but i think it will help out on the odds. And btw, is the bootygrab bot working again?? give me link!! Last time i checked it did not work..!
- 20 Sep. 2010 08:12pm #9
your gonna get banned.Nuff said.
and if it isnt , like google said they log almost everything.
And sometimes they will ban you for no good reason at all.So you can be legit all you want but your gonna get banned eventually.
my opinion-subject to change-50 posts-
-100 posts-
-150 post-
-200 posts-
who0t im inactiveBut awesome
- 20 Sep. 2010 09:24pm #10
Especially when you Trade, They Keep a Log on that so go ahead and move your gold multiple times they still will know when and where its been and where its going...
- 20 Sep. 2010 10:18pm #11
Here is one i always do when you finish botting go to rally and write this
Power of wind have I over thee.
Power of wrath have I over thee.
Power of fire have I over thee.
Power of thunder have I over thee.
Power of lightning have I over thee.
Power of storm have I over thee.
Power of moon have I over thee.
Power of sun have I over thee.
Power of stars have I over thee.
Power of the heaven's and the worlds have I over thee.
(lift sword over head with both hands and chop down onto any object nearby.. make sure your penis is safe.)
Eson! Eson! Emaris!
- 21 Sep. 2010 07:09pm #12
- 23 Sep. 2010 06:27am #13
Just don't over use the bot.
- 23 Sep. 2010 07:40pm #14
Use it periodicly , not for long hrs also ... Dont go over 3k >.<
- 25 Sep. 2010 04:16am #15
Botting will put you at the risk of getting banned. The safest way to scam/bot would be by social engineering, which takes a while though and even then has some risks. In other words, no method is safe.
But if you bot, don't be a moron and bot for 9 hours a day 7 days a week, Gaia knows that you're botting since no decent person would bother doing that.
At most it should be an hour and a half a day, which is still kind of a lot.Last edited by Hellsome; 25 Sep. 2010 at 05:54pm.
When trading with me, you agree that: (updated 10/24/10)
- I will always message you from this account.
- After I send you the account information, I will not be held responsible if it gets banned or hacked.
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