A slimy new item has washed ashore in the Cash Shop: the mysterious Toxic Drop. Rigel and I have already cleaned a few and discovered some seriously cute critters buried underneath all the gunk.
Toxic Drop: Clean up this disgusting blob of oil to find an adorable animal companion! Ten percent of the proceeds from this item will be donated to help out with the Gulf oil spill.
You can help free these adorable critters by buying a Toxic Drop or two from the Cash Shop. These globules will only available until July 26th, so get 'em while you can.
Get a Toxic Drop
Need some Gaia Cash? Stock up online or grab a Cash Card from your local Target, Wal-Mart or 7-11. Outside the U.S.? Get instant Cash via PayPal!
Oh, and before we forget: Famestar Hero will be leaving the Cash Shop on the 16th. If you'd like to score an awesome item for rocking out, go grab one!
Results 1 to 22 of 22
- 13 Jul. 2010 02:49am #1
Gaia definitely just crossed the line.
LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 13 Jul. 2010 05:52am #2
"Rigel and I have already cleaned a few and discovered some seriously cute critters buried underneath all the gunk"
its like when they did that tampax promotion thingyup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 13 Jul. 2010 05:54am #3
Another cover to make Money. I bet they only donating like 10% of the profit.
- 13 Jul. 2010 06:24am #4
- 13 Jul. 2010 07:02am #5
No, they're not helping the cause at all. I bet they're like "Oh wow look at all these idiots buying from us because they think it'll 'HELP THE CAUSE' " and then Lanzer's like "Maybe we should give a lit... NAHHH"
- 13 Jul. 2010 08:55am #6
i tried and got a crab and lold at tampax
- 13 Jul. 2010 02:44pm #7
This is just gaia profiting from anything that happens... As usual.
Time to start up my bots, make some gold to hoard.Shh, I'm watching My little pony.
- 13 Jul. 2010 05:38pm #8
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What next? A starving 3rd world country baby that 5% of the proceeds goes to feeding the hungry. Good for gaia ATTEMPTING to help, but god damn I hate when companies feed off of disasters and emergencies like this.
I listen for the whisper of your sweet insanity.
While I formulate denial of your effect on me.
- 13 Jul. 2010 05:56pm #9
I dont understand why they need to raise more money to help to a disaster like this. Why cant they use the money they already swindled from the poor saps of gaia already?
- 13 Jul. 2010 06:07pm #10
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Oh man, the site feedback forum RAAAAAAGGGED about this one. I really couldn't care less. Newspapers and Magazines are profiting of the natural disaster by reporting it, other oil companies are profiting simply by NOT BEING BP. Greedy or not, they did it. In my eyes, I'm glad SOME money is going to help. If I didn't think it was enough, I'd donate some of my own money directly.
- 13 Jul. 2010 06:12pm #11
Considering the whole mess could have been cleaned up and done with if the president has put a temporary lift on the Jones Act and let Ally countries come and help clean the oil up. They offered right after it happened but the prez refused to let them in US waters. not to mention there is little being done about it to begin with to really help clean up the mess.
I'm a Girl! Please stop referring to me as a guy!
- 16 Jul. 2010 11:11pm #12
Wow that was the worst ever I mean seriously come on!
- 17 Jul. 2010 12:14am #13
Wow umm... you guys really need perspective.
- 20 Jul. 2010 07:48pm #14
How so Rory?
I'm a Girl! Please stop referring to me as a guy!
- 20 Jul. 2010 10:45pm #15
this is sad... they should be able to make money by the site itself rather then relying on things going around the world... 10% isn't that much of a donation to help out, I mean they did help out with the hurricane crisis though.
oh well... companies like this will always find for new ways to get money, their isn't anything we could really do about this. still they stooped down to a new low in my mind
- 21 Jul. 2010 01:02am #16
Fuck Gaia XD
My Skillz
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- 21 Jul. 2010 11:11am #17
To be honest, Gaia could have just said, 'We arent donating any of the profit'. We should be grateful that 10% is being donated. At the end of the day, it is generating SOME money towards the crisis.
- 22 Jul. 2010 11:00am #18
- 22 Jul. 2010 07:02pm #19
rory what they are doing is profiting off a disaster; they should be donating more then the pitiful 10% they make. These gaia kids are gonig to buy these items wanting to help out, since as items they are pretty ugly...
gaia is gone all earth conscience it seems even with their new rig; they are basically running out of ideas and waiting for the next thing to happen; just like the orly owl they steal all their ideas.
- 22 Jul. 2010 07:05pm #20
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- 22 Jul. 2010 11:59pm #21
I bet they arent donating anything, Comon hows 50k people gonna help 2 oceans with there oil comon now.
- 26 Jul. 2010 11:21pm #22
I can't wait until Gaia sells their site.. And then everything changes.