hey im new and im a newb!
so wats up??
Well i have made crappy flp's that dont work so i need help
could someone make me an flp and connect it to this email
Thank you in advance!
anyone wanna help cmon once i get all those accounts ill give u lotso gold!
Results 1 to 15 of 15
Thread: Need help making flp
- 26 Jun. 2010 01:42am #1
Merging bumps and spam.
Last edited by Bman; 02 Jul. 2010 at 06:00am. Reason: Un needed spam.
- 26 Jun. 2010 01:48am #2
dude you like quadtriple posted thats gonna get you banned no i cant help you becuase i dont make flps and flps arent aloud on lg anymore i dont think :/
-50 posts-
-100 posts-
-150 post-
-200 posts-
who0t im inactiveBut awesome
- 26 Jun. 2010 01:50am #3
oooo u cant bump here im so sorry and since wen wernt flp's aloud i have been looking at this sit forever!
- 26 Jun. 2010 01:58am #4
after lg said flps werent aloud here dude just buy one or figure out how to make one yourself :/
-50 posts-
-100 posts-
-150 post-
-200 posts-
who0t im inactiveBut awesome
- 26 Jun. 2010 02:00am #5
can someone make me an flw?
i heard they are better
- 26 Jun. 2010 02:02am #6
get 50 posts :/
-50 posts-
-100 posts-
-150 post-
-200 posts-
who0t im inactiveBut awesome
- 26 Jun. 2010 02:13am #7
More super spam.
????? why?
sent u a pm!
are u gonna answer my pms?Last edited by Bman; 02 Jul. 2010 at 06:04am. Reason: Another load of spam.
- 26 Jun. 2010 02:24am #8
- 26 Jun. 2010 02:27am #9
ok i understand this but by getting 50 posts and getting bronze lev does that mean that someone will make me an flw?
- 26 Jun. 2010 02:35am #10
- 26 Jun. 2010 06:27am #11
Hey excuse me, What happened to this site? Has it really mellowed out into a boring blog site like some of the other programmer sites? If there is an answer that is a more than can be answered in plan view pm me. I haven't been here for a few months because i had to...well... Thats private...heheheheheh..... Anyways, I need massive amounts of, "special info" catch my drift. Also, of course, if it has a price then... well you'll have it one way or another. Thank you for your time!
Try to look at me from a different point of view than you would normally.
- 26 Jun. 2010 07:55am #12
Reading this thread gave me a serious headache.
Polop598, I'm not trying to sound rude, but chill the heck out. I saw you gave the man 8 minutes before you posted about him not answering your pm.
And you don't have to bump things. This forum isn't like Gaia, your post won't be drowned out by others in a matter of minutes. Just be patient and eventually your question will be answered.
50 posts will get you into Underground Bronze. Not that much different than this section of the forum though, unfortunately... :/[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
- 27 Jun. 2010 01:20am #13
Lol . They dont make lg do flps
- 27 Jun. 2010 01:40am #14-50 posts-
-100 posts-
-150 post-
-200 posts-
who0t im inactiveBut awesome
- 29 Jun. 2010 01:55am #15
He acts like he is just trying to get banned.