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Thread: Real Pirate Bot Screenies.
- 10 Aug. 2010 10:10pm #41
- 10 Aug. 2010 10:20pm #42LG 1.0 Ftw.
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- 10 Aug. 2010 10:29pm #43
You don't seem to understand the scope of programs like this.
Unlike the trainers and WPE that you've all used, this has no man in the middle. There's no flash between the server and the program. The program is literally a custom built client.
It has automated function and can interpret your meaning based on what you say in game.
Automated being the key word.
Unlike your WPE filter, it doesn't change the data received by the server before it's interpreted. It is the client. It interprets the data and acts on it accordingly.
- 10 Aug. 2010 10:36pm #44
Yes I know, Everything is pre-set You want to change your avi, Give it the ava code and click a button.
You want a green name? Click a button that changes your packet that contains your avi and it changes the number 8 at the end to a 12.
I know all of what you're trying to tell me. It is the same thing regardless.LG 1.0 Ftw.
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- 10 Aug. 2010 10:54pm #45
No, that's not how it works. I'll give you an example from mine.
Command [argument]: function
copy [username]: say everything [username] says
follow [username]: follow that user around the room
steal [username]: copy that user's name name color and avatar
url [link to an swf]: put that swf in the chat room.
You literally tell it what to do.
This is not a point and click program. It's automated. Hints why it's a bot.
- 10 Aug. 2010 11:02pm #46
If you tell it what to do, isn't that the same as clicking a button that is encoded to when pressed execute a command that you have pre set it to do?
Because that's exactly what every single rally client does. Exactly what they do.
There is no middle man because you have a swf of the rally client in your program.
So there is still a rally, everything is still the same.
All you are doing is sending packets to the server that are edited.
This is no different than what I have done with WPE.
You just made a program that makes it easier and more efficient to do.LG 1.0 Ftw.
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- 10 Aug. 2010 11:06pm #47
Oh god. You don't get the point.
What do you think a real life robot is?
It takes the factors of the environment around it and acts accordingly. This takes the flow of conversation and elements of the game and acts accordingly.
The difference between that and clicking a button is the fact that you're not clicking a fucking button.
- 10 Aug. 2010 11:10pm #48
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This is looking veeeery sexy
I can't wait to see the outcome
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 10 Aug. 2010 11:15pm #49
So let's get this straight. I want to change my avi. I type an ava code.
I then click the Button that says "Update" Then it sends data to the server.
I then walk into the other part of the room, come back in, and my Avi is now different.
Is that not one of the functions this program has?LG 1.0 Ftw.
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- 10 Aug. 2010 11:22pm #50
@ the person who said LG programmers are a joke : I have not said anything for me to be a "joke".
Now in saying that, im more on the side of this being a bot, because if it isnt point and click, the things are automated and whatnot, that would make it a bot.
But I do see both points of view.Shh, I'm watching My little pony.
- 10 Aug. 2010 11:30pm #51
It doesn't seem like it really automates anything except for grabbing other users SID's and apparently blocking a bomb packet or something.
I just don't think it should be declared as a bot, because that is the only thing that is automated.
Everything else is point and click.
Seems like it takes the user packets and puts them on a list.
From there you can clone them, boot them, etc. because you have that information.
I don't consider that a bot. I consider something entirely automated a bot.LG 1.0 Ftw.
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- 11 Aug. 2010 12:18am #52
No. This program changes instantly in place because it doesn't have to wait on flash to load and bullshit like that. You don't have to get the timing right when you click a button when joining a room to change your avatar.
It's a bot. If you're clicking a button and typing something in, it requires input by the person running the program.
Anyone in the whitelist can control the bot at any time without ever having the bot.
It requires minimal input from the person actually using it.
There are exceptions to every rule.
Chad and Gamerforce are prime examples of what I'm talking about.
Also, the reason it isn't 100% automated is that the owner chooses where to put it. As in which room to join in whichever server.
- 11 Aug. 2010 12:25am #53
- 11 Aug. 2010 01:11am #54
I like flaming, I'd be more then happy to show you which one of us here is the flame so please be my guest and turn it into a flaming thread. Also anybody with clearance to control it can type a message and send it in rally and the bot will do that commands function if your clearance is high enough for it, you don't have to use the update feature it has to change avatars ect..
Last edited by Nova; 11 Aug. 2010 at 01:13am. Reason: Fixed Typo
- 11 Aug. 2010 03:38am #55
So we must have a lot of people around here that know a little more about how these things work than just fiddling with VB/AutoIT and Flash then Hmm?
People who genuinely understand this stuff?
Where are these hidden goodies, I'd like to see!
So far, ill i've seen here and people modifying the way gaia rally FLASH deals with things. not something that speaks to the server itself, not through FLASH.
i see you.
- 11 Aug. 2010 03:55pm #56
- 16 Aug. 2010 12:17am #57
Nice bot, great work!
I really really really want it !!
But it won't be released :/?
- 18 Aug. 2010 03:39am #58
... Every time you say Gaia Flash_Hangouts I face palm so hard. it's Gaia_Flash/hangout/ and that's not even ALL the flash games on gaia. It's not hard to do, just hard to start. I give Pirate props for the bot. Just because you have it doesn't make you any cool, nor does it mean you get any credit for it.
- 18 Aug. 2010 04:56pm #59
- 29 Aug. 2010 08:35am #60
This would make an awesome bot, I do believe so cause i love the look of it including insta-Morph thats my favorite When changing avis fast in 1mill seconds, Lolol Soo good job Pirate.