How do you ghost gaia items?
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Thread: Ghosting items
- 18 Jun. 2010 06:40pm #1
Ghosting items
- 18 Jun. 2010 10:14pm #2
WOW. I thought everyone doesn't have a memory of ghosting items.
Well, there isn't.
There were ways to do it before. I got to try it a few times but I failed of the attempts.
Ugh. I'll bet there'll be more people posting spam after this about ghosting items in the future.
EDIT : =.= Nnder you're asking about ghosting. You gravedig'd the very old thread.
Last edited by bm-kun; 18 Jun. 2010 at 10:17pm.
- 18 Jun. 2010 11:15pm #3
Actually, I dont think they ever patched the firebug exploit of modifying your inventory. I dont know exactly how to do it, all I know is firebug.
LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 19 Jun. 2010 07:51am #4
They've updated, and made a new inventory. There's no way to ghost now adays, I'm afraid. I'm not so sure about Firebug though, I haven't used this firefox add-on really.. So I wouldn't know. I do know firebug is good for editing anything through the firefox browser, you should still download this add on, none the less.
- 19 Jun. 2010 08:25am #5
Lol at your name Gaiaonline. Yeah they fixed the ghosting thing.
- 19 Jun. 2010 06:07pm #6
- 19 Jun. 2010 06:39pm #7
Scrubs, there actually was one confirmed by the mods.
LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 19 Jun. 2010 08:58pm #8
Was that on the old lg? I remember it with Shojo,
but he later on said it had nothing to do with changing inventory ,but stealing avatars.
- 19 Jun. 2010 09:12pm #9
No, it was on 2.0. Someone that had access to a mod account and the mod forums was posting screenshots of a couple of discussions about ghosting.
LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 20 Jun. 2010 02:40am #10
Ghost one item method
1. open 2 tabs/windows(customize avatar & marketplace)
2. equip the item you want to ghost, do NOT click save.
3. sell item on mp for a ridiculous amount(1,000,000,000g) get to the screen where you input your password.
4. type in you password do NOT continue.
5. quickly click save, switch back to other tab/window and hit enter.
6. if done correctly, your item should be equipped and your item in mp.
7. remove the item from mp, safe to trade/gift/sell.
Ghost multiple item method(untested)
1. open 2 tabs/windows(customize avatar & trade)
2. equip the items you want to ghost, do NOT click save.
3. make a trade to someone
4. input password, do NOT send trade
5. quickly click save, switch back to other tab/window and hit enter.
6. if done correctly, your items should be equipped and your items in trade.
gonna post in guides soon.
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Use Items Twice
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Mod Your Gamertag On MW2 With A USB
Mod Your Gamerscore With A USB
Mod MW2 Spec Ops With A USB
Mod Your Avatar With A USB
How to get free DLC
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- 21 Jun. 2010 03:02pm #11
Oh alright
iGawd I will try that.
- 21 Jun. 2010 07:48pm #12
to ghost 2 windows
2.make your avi naked and save
3.customize your avi and dont save the other window open your inventory list
5.and confirm a gift to yourself that has one of the items you want customized on your avi and send the gift at the same time and there you go your ghosted avi
i lol at you guys im pretty sure there is one already in the guides section
i take no credit for this-50 posts-
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who0t im inactiveBut awesome