What do you tell yourself to make it seem okay to steal from users?
It's not your gold.
They aren't your items.
They worked for their shit.
You worked to steal their shit.
Why do you think this is okay?
Results 1 to 40 of 72
Thread: Fake Login Windows/Pages
- 02 Jun. 2010 03:30pm #1
Fake Login Windows/Pages
- 02 Jun. 2010 10:07pm #2
lol, it's not okay to steal from them period.
just take their shit.I miss my old LG account.
- 02 Jun. 2010 10:13pm #3
I think of the time i was scammed back in 07, when I was legit.
I went to gaia for help, mofos didn't do anything, so I make myself rich by taking other peoples shit.
My Guides:
Use Items Twice
[WPE]Emote Scripting
Mod Your Gamertag On MW2 With A USB
Mod Your Gamerscore With A USB
Mod MW2 Spec Ops With A USB
Mod Your Avatar With A USB
How to get free DLC
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My Gaia accounts.
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I3 I S H
- 02 Jun. 2010 10:43pm #4
I was hacked in 07 as well.
Good year.
Destroyed so many accounts that year. ^^
- 02 Jun. 2010 10:55pm #5
I Find EVERYthing from that personoid and btw, this is a fucking HACKING forum, if you dont liek it go away.
- 02 Jun. 2010 11:06pm #6
"Gaming cheats and discussions for popular online games: Call of Duty, Neopets, Maplestory, Gaia Online.
Fo Sho'?
- 03 Jun. 2010 05:21am #7
Taking people's shit doesn't make you a hacker.
A hacker is NOT something as simple as a ****** with a fake login page he didn't even fucking make.
If you honestly think you can call that hacking, you need to get the fuck off the internet for the rest of your life.
You and the others are obviously going about this wrong.
You get your shit stolen and STAFF don't help you.
By scamming/phishing, you're hurting other users who were all just like you.
You're barely touching the staff at all.Last edited by Personoid; 03 Jun. 2010 at 05:23am.
- 03 Jun. 2010 05:31am #8
I believe that profiting off of other peoples stupidity is not a problem.
Every time I PHISH (happy?) an account, its like a small ego boost.
I no longer use FLWs and FLPs, I use more advanced techniques. Every time I score an account, it shows me that I outsmarted them.LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 03 Jun. 2010 05:40am #9
Think about this for a second. You joined a "hacking" site. Most people either come here because they want revenge OR because they just want to be rich really quickly. We never said it was okay to do it. We just do it because we want to.<3
- 03 Jun. 2010 05:58am #10
I've been on sites like this for a while.
I've pulled some shit myself.
I don't take from members, and I never have.
I've been in several accounts, including staff accounts and have seen the insides of the staff forums on various occasions. I've only once taken items from an active account.
I know what kind of site this is.
I come for intelligent and logical discussion.
I find fake login bullshit.
The point of this thread is to convince at least some of you that what you're doing is bullshit.
You don't deserve to steal someone's shit just because they were dumb enough to fall into your trap.
If you were using some other method, i would buy into it, but phishing?
Really?Last edited by Personoid; 03 Jun. 2010 at 06:01am.
- 03 Jun. 2010 06:09am #11
Because they think that scamming and phishing for pixel currency makes them "leet" for one, and for two they can't make gold legitimately so they have to go "hack" and brag about it because they are to fucken worthless to care about others work put into the items they scam only to get banned a few days later.
- 03 Jun. 2010 04:31pm #12
Well hacking is bad but if people go in to free gold things and get scammed its kida their folt they were looking for it hehe
- 03 Jun. 2010 07:59pm #13
- 03 Jun. 2010 08:02pm #14
- 03 Jun. 2010 08:06pm #15
- 03 Jun. 2010 08:08pm #16
- 03 Jun. 2010 08:08pm #17
- 03 Jun. 2010 08:17pm #18
lmao like they said at the Top i think of the time when i was a nooby and they sent me a pm scam sayin they were the admin and i had to give them my password i just decided hey i wanna be rich took his lil scam made a new account and started scamming stealing peoples shit what i accomplished was awesome and i can never go back to being poor i wont let it happen >.< so whenever i get a account i tell my self
"they deserve this for being fucking morons"-50 posts-
-100 posts-
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who0t im inactiveBut awesome
- 03 Jun. 2010 08:53pm #19
- 03 Jun. 2010 10:26pm #20
Profiting from other people's stupidity isn't wrong, it's good business. Apple, Google, and Microsoft will all tell you the same thing. Real hacking flw/p's are not, but clever they can be. Praise be to the morons who fall for it.
- 03 Jun. 2010 10:46pm #21
- 03 Jun. 2010 10:50pm #22
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Who cares if it's not my gold. I've only stolen from two people.
1) My best friend ( I just felt like taking her account)
2) my ex boyfriend (I wanted to see him cry about his pixels being gone.
Besides, people scam people everyday. I have to pay a dollar for a water bottle at school when I could get it from the water fountain.
And most people may say it's not a scam because they're trying to do business, and make profit, but it is. If I were to buy that water bottle, they would be profiting off my stupidity when a water fountain is across from it. Just like how "we" profit off of other's people stupidity. Another point, like how i'd get a water bottle for the dollar, we get a person's account and they get a lesson learnedBitch here
ily <3
- 03 Jun. 2010 11:14pm #23
So scamming and phishing is just doing business? I don't think your customers like the goods they are getting.. also there's a big difference in the IRL example and the Online example, for one, there's no ToS saying you can't do business like that IRL, I do believe this kind of "business" online is breaking the ToS. Idiots these days...
- 03 Jun. 2010 11:18pm #24
- 03 Jun. 2010 11:25pm #25
Because we enjoy doing what we do. If you don't like the idea of us taking others items and selling them to make a profit then keep it to yourself, this is what the majority of us do.
- 04 Jun. 2010 12:09am #26
Yeah, cause scamming someone makes your e-penis bigger by 0.001 inch?
And how are you going to feel good about outsmarting someone that has no clue what that is.
Congratulations, you sure are so huge in your gaia life.
- 04 Jun. 2010 12:22am #27
- 04 Jun. 2010 01:54am #28
- 04 Jun. 2010 02:23am #29
Because i'm too fucking lazy to actually earn the gold, so why not just steal other people's shit? I mean, if they fall for it, then I get gold. If I don't then I move on. No need t
rk when I can just sit on my ass and earn upwards of millions of gold a day.
- 04 Jun. 2010 02:25am #30
- 04 Jun. 2010 02:33am #31
Wee can do what we Want its our life
- 04 Jun. 2010 05:14am #32
It's not 'their shit'.
If it was 'our shit', we could sell 'our shit' and profit off it without risking breaking the law.Sorry if I seem n00by, I'm new to all this stuff.
- 04 Jun. 2010 05:26am #33
- 04 Jun. 2010 06:11am #34
Definition of hacker:
# a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism
# a programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harm; "true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackers"
Hackers are not Phisher
Hackers are not crackers
Hackers are not people that use other peoples tools to exploit others.
^ This is called a script kiddie and LG is full of them.
Definition of Script Kiddie:
entertain themselves by downloading and using the latest hacking tools that are NOT there own.
Just because you can (As Personoid said) exploit others stupidity does NOT Make you a hacker.
This forum site is NOT a hacking site. It is a forum to discuss games LOGICALLY. Hence the name Logical Gamers.
In case people are to stupid to know that there are different hackers read here.
White hat hacker -
My definition - A hacker that exploits a program, site, and or computer and tells the Administrator how to fix the exploit.
Wiki definition - White hat hackers are computer security experts, who specialize in penetration testing, and other testing methodologies, to ensure that a company's information systems are secure.
Black hat hacker -
My definition - A hacker that exploits a program, site, and or computer to benefit from it.
Wiki definition - A bad guy hacker.
Gray hat hacker is a hacker in between those two.
If you phish or use a cracker you are not a hacker so please, for the sake of this site. Shut the fuck up.
Edit #2: Here is a video if you fail to read;
- 04 Jun. 2010 03:15pm #35
Chad, I love you.
- 05 Jun. 2010 10:53am #36
i think it hurts to be hacked, but if youved been hack, i see no prob in it..
- 05 Jun. 2010 03:42pm #37
- 05 Jun. 2010 04:09pm #38
just accept it >.>
- 05 Jun. 2010 04:17pm #39
- 05 Jun. 2010 04:30pm #40
then why are you here? >_<