so,gaia has shut down those sites who can unbanned ban accounts..
and Lanzer has sent many spies and bugs all over the net to find all these
stuffs that can destroy gaia..or stuff that can make him shit in his pants.
FYI,gaia has already screwed now.
the mods takes bribes from users..up to 500K,
bugs are all around ZOMG..I can't dare to say more here.
I know so much about the ugly truth in gaia.
and with these corrupt mods,users can framed other gaians
very easily..
and also,THOSE OMNI MODS are watching out our screens to make sure we don't do anything "wrong"..but they made exclusions for noobs cybering and
internet sex.What a hypocrite!
They should make the T.O.S like "Cybering and Sex-stimulating activities
in gaia is allowed" and "Lanzer is responsible for your internet sex life if you're under 13".LOL.
back to the main issues.
I've been banned for "hacking" booty grab..I just took 2-4K from it per minute.
and some noobs who had been using that for week,is still active..[so,gaia is turning into NoobvilleLove eh?]
I've been testing it for just 2 days,and my 4 years old account was BANNED PERMENANTLY.I'm just a type of people who loves trying out new things and manipulating game system or codes.
Lately,I've seen many innocent gaians getting banned without any strong reason and makes many people getting pissed off.The more gaia do this,
the more people will try to destroy gaia..Am I right?
I'm trying to make my own gaia unbanner programme since gaiaunbanner is shutted down by LANZER and but it seems
not working..something is still missing.damn.:mad:
I really wanna destroy gaia for banning me!!!F**K Derek Liu
Results 1 to 40 of 42
Thread: Gaia Unbanner Issues
- 11 May. 2010 03:55pm #1
Gaia Unbanner Issues
Last edited by mrs_; 11 May. 2010 at 03:58pm.
- 11 May. 2010 04:03pm #2
How are you going to make one? Where's the proof that mods are corrupted? Feel me to send me usernames and proof I wanna see if it's real. How do you know?
- 11 May. 2010 04:35pm #3
ah..proof?I can't give you that.I'm sure if you are a scripter or bugger in
gaia,you would know how to deal with mods..such as giving them bribes or anything to gain their attentions.
my dear,gaia is not that innocent site like in 2003 anymore.I have some friends who can actually hacked into admin's account and get banned..and they manage to unban themself with the helps of these corrupt mods,and also,but unfortunately that site has been wiped out recently.So,it's hard to unbann accounts right now..but it's always possible to do so,I mean this is the Internet..anything is possible to do.
Gaia nowadays have improved a lot in their security level but it seems to lure more people to attempt to hack it.We can actually use bugs in our account and disguised as admins,Lanzer in towns and rallys..cracking peoples account etc.Bugs are expensive and only peoples who understand coding knows how to do it well without being caught..I masked my IP using these bugs and they made sure my real IP won't ever get banned in gaia.
Fear Bot is one of the god hacker in gaia,he'll be back tho..idk when.
He'll be releasing many programmes to hack and destroy gaia,as much as I wanted to do it right now.
Writing a program might takes months or years for me,since I love hacking so much.Don't worry,I won't messed up with their paypal account..
I'm just gonna messed up the site.
- 11 May. 2010 05:43pm #4
Mrs are you Fear Bot???And there was this unbanner that listed the usernames it unbanned and all of them were real...Alot of them were rich to...I forgot where I seen it though...
- 11 May. 2010 07:27pm #5
ive heard storys of mods being corrupted but you should never try.its very risky to try and bribe a mod and the whole hacking the actual site because it is kinda illegal im pretty sure
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- 11 May. 2010 07:41pm #6
Any type of hacking is considered illegal, since it's breeching the site unauthorized, if Gaia found you hacking their site and pinpointed where you lived, and could sue you and notify local authorities... It's pretty fucking stupid that they'd go that far for pixels.. But hey, Gaiaonline's creators are ******s, over pricing Gaia Cash when you can just buy 10x that much in gold, for cheaper.. Plus it's pretty much impossible to "hack" the site... The only sort of hacking you can do is build a little dinky program that uses different IPs, then uses a list of usernames, and a list of passwords to check to see if the account matches that password... Or you can do what's called phishing which is just the same thing except it's a fake window that looks like Gaia and it stores a keylogger inside the window that saves thows keys in a folder and kaboom.. You have their information.. I say you should stop whining about Gaia and how their staff members take bribes to unban them.. You obviously did something to get banned, and you should always be punished for it.. No matter how much you've lost, you still broke the rules and agreed to their terms of service. So stop making these stupid threads and take the ban like a man, Gaia is just a stupid site and sucks out your money so you can be "cool" and "wealthy" when it's all just fucking PIXELS.
- 11 May. 2010 09:40pm #7
- 11 May. 2010 10:44pm #8
Okay here is the deal. You got banned, so what. Start over. That is what everyone else does. If everyone made a thread at how mad they were at Gaia for banning them then we would have about a million threads.
Using Cheat Engine on Booty Grab is the reason you got banned. Not everyone is going to get caught.
So here is what you do:
1. Deal with the fact that you got banned.
2. Make a new account.
3. Start over.
4. Never complain again about getting banned if you broke the T.O.S.
- 11 May. 2010 11:41pm #9
This is fail, I'm pretty sure ranting isn't meant for the Gaia forum.
Mod please lock or move, Either works, but this is just spam in this forum.LG 1.0 Ftw.
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- 12 May. 2010 12:11am #10
- 12 May. 2010 12:57am #11
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Well, since the banning and unbanning is a server sided ability that is afforded to the Omni-mods, and admins on gaia, you would have to have gotten a source for the ability to even begin to program the unbanner.
Until you can show the staff proof of being able to make an unbanner, this is a moot discussion.Voted Hottest Male Member
Crowned King of Logical Gamers
10 Years of Logical Service.
- 12 May. 2010 02:36am #12
- 12 May. 2010 03:09am #13yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 12 May. 2010 07:56am #14
sounds to me to be more of a rant than anything else. :/ We all dislike the greasy bastards who run this place more than you'd think. Nevertheless, I'll let you in on a little secret:
Why don't you just suck it up, and take your revenge by stealing others' accounts? You aren't forced to be legit. I keep up impressions, but I never was legit to begin with.
Okay here is the deal. You got banned, so what. Start over. That is what everyone else does. If everyone made a thread at how mad they were at Gaia for banning them then we would have about a million threads.
Using Cheat Engine on Booty Grab is the reason you got banned. Not everyone is going to get caught.
So here is what you do:
1. Deal with the fact that you got banned.
2. Make a new account.
3. Start over.
4. Never complain again about getting banned if you broke the T.O.S.
Peace out, sucker.My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 12 May. 2010 11:08am #15
I don't think it is possible to unban because as was mentioned earlier in the thread, ban lists are stored server-side.
- 12 May. 2010 12:01pm #16
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While scrolling down I'm going to assume the point of this thread.
No, No and no. We've gone over this so many freakin times. There is no unbanner. In order to unban, you need a moderator and a reason. Easy as that. No internet guru is gonna go trolling and destroy facebook, myspace, then gaia.
- 13 May. 2010 01:36am #17
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getting access to a mod account would allow to ban or unban a member of gaia, since it would connect to the server. that is why an unbanner wont work because we dont have access to draw on that storage at the main gaya server.
now if we could get an omnimod to jump boats, things would get very interesting very fast.Voted Hottest Male Member
Crowned King of Logical Gamers
10 Years of Logical Service.
- 13 May. 2010 02:56am #18yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 13 May. 2010 03:56am #19
I like how you guys think this is true...
Gaia omnis and such are chosen for these positions because they are thought to be somewhat trust-able.
To the Op who made this board; the unblocker was fake; it never worked, it was a marketing ploy so that the site who made it could make a few dollars by adding it to their shitty gaia bot and promising it would be "updated" this of course never happened.
A mod can't ban or unban; they can trade ban only.. omnis and admins can unban.
is there was a "unbanner" it would mean that it would have to access the contro pannel via on of these accounts which if everyone was using it from different ips wouldn't be hard for gaia to track at all.Last edited by Ash; 13 May. 2010 at 04:01am.
- 13 May. 2010 05:04pm #20
- 13 May. 2010 08:49pm #21
- 13 May. 2010 10:30pm #22
You, Shut the fuck up. It is just PIXELS. No matter how much you hate to admit it but it is. Unless your life revolves around Gaia which it sounds like it does, Drop your fucking sack and grow the fuck up. YOU are paying REAL cash for FAKE cash, items, and an online account that will just get banned, eventually. Deal with it. Take the dick out of your mouth and open your fucking eyes.
- 13 May. 2010 11:53pm #23
The unbanner site was closed a long time ago...
Because gaia was suingSignature By Eternal Darkness
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- 14 May. 2010 06:24am #24
- 14 May. 2010 01:34pm #25
Fail troll is fail. If Gaya were fair enough to give people a chance to get rich decently quick without paying them, then we wouldn't have situations like this arising, yes?
Shut your whore mouth and reflect on whatever was already posted. Not everyone can spend $50 a month on pixels.My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 16 May. 2010 03:17pm #26
- 17 May. 2010 11:27am #27
Argh...I nedd unbanner..
- 17 May. 2010 02:21pm #28
You should do research, or at least learn to read. There is no unbanner.
- 19 May. 2010 07:28pm #29
- 19 May. 2010 08:16pm #30
That is called a stealer, not keylogger.
- 19 May. 2010 10:04pm #31
instead of making unbanners or trying why not just make noobs and post 300 times, report enough times then apply to be a moderator, if you are accpeted to be one then look up your banned accounts name and unbann it... i never done it but i know its possible
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- 21 May. 2010 06:52am #32
- 22 May. 2010 06:05am #33
Fuck off! Close this thread! Damn freaking there a no unbanner
- 23 May. 2010 04:33am #34
Lol hes right and point blank this entire discussion is turning into troll spam
No there isn't a unbanner
No i highly Doubt anyone on Lg can become a mod
no i don't care if there ever was an unbanner
Frankly an unbanner in my opinion would ruin all the fun i get from stealing newfags gaia pixels.i would have no use for all the gold that i would get from it
i would just get banned again
i hate that someone would want an unbanner becuase if they were banned they need to get better it helps at self esteem building i just topped my old main buy over40 mill and im very happy-50 posts-
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- 23 May. 2010 04:47am #35
- 23 May. 2010 02:09pm #36
This has been happening for a long time -.-
Mod's have been corrupt for a long time...
No. They watch your account history, so they can react less than a second after you do the thing. But they are not allowed by law to watch your screen (Without permission by the user).
Say your under 13 and send that Pedophiles ass to jail ?
Pretty common -.-
1) We all feel this way...
2) That is highly illegal and could get you sent to jail / juvenile hall (Depending on how old you are).
3) Pop me a message
4) You used "" 's ?
- 23 May. 2010 02:15pm #37
1) Its totally possible...
2) Why? There are mods on LG right now. -.-
3) No. An unbanner would make it more fun to steal the pixels.
2) Ummm... Unbanner would help a lot. It takes more time getting a new account set up then unbanning the old one.
- 23 May. 2010 05:05pm #38
This should be moved to the shitter. :p
- 24 May. 2010 03:19am #39
There is absolutely no unbanner. The only way is via mod tools/admin tools and they would catch you instantly.
Mods have IP verification on their accounts. While I've bypassed this before, the method i used is patched. (I used the GSI login which didn't check IP for a while)
There's no unbanner, there never was, and there never will be. Supposedly chaos programming had one, but it was a random error generator. Doc/Azkay decompiled it and posted the source code of the so called unbanner.
Sites that could unban don't exist and never did.
Gaia can't see your screen, that's bullshit.
This whole thread is nonsense.
I love how you don't bother to cite your source of information.Last edited by Personoid; 27 May. 2010 at 06:30am.
- 24 May. 2010 05:24pm #40
i wouldnt mind seein gaia online burn, they banned me for a hacking i could not have done. how can you hack an account with 1. your assleep, 2. your internet is turned compleatly off [wireless radio shut off], 3. you cant hack at all[no skill or know how too]. and some how they have my ip address hacking another account. i gave them the evidence of my innocence and of a hacking of my account and im still banned. here is the best way i know of to getting un banned. go to the BBB and complain. show them your evidence and let them bug gaia.