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Thread: Cheap A.Halo
- 05 May. 2010 03:01am #1
Cheap A.Halo
- 05 May. 2010 03:09am #2
Best thing to do with it other than sell for usd!
I mean, if you transfer it at all then out comes the bann hammer. Better it be out floating around then in an unused account. (More chance we will be able to hack them, hopefully after they got rid of the shit!)
- 05 May. 2010 03:15am #3
I'd rather piss off legit gains and mess up the economy than be banned for nothing.
Whoever did that, legit or not, Good job lol.
- 05 May. 2010 03:32am #4
- 05 May. 2010 03:41am #5
id get that sell it for like 700mil rly quick for like MA ajamala or something then sell all the lil items
yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 06 May. 2010 12:47am #6
- 06 May. 2010 02:34am #7
That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.
With A. Halos so scarce, adding one back into the economy and allowing it to be sold for 2500, practically giving it away to a user would greatly impare the value of it for the few users who own them.
Besides, all the rare items sold for a low price have had their accounts banned, and transactions reversed.
- 06 May. 2010 03:07am #8
Apparently it was a glitch in relation to the sparkles... Notice that the sparkles on the halo in the screenshot were PURPLE while the rest of MCs are PINK. Maybe a firebug/tamper data exploit?
LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 06 May. 2010 03:13am #9
- 06 May. 2010 04:06am #10
I read some of the things the actual buyer said and he stated that he only got to keep it for like one minute.
Then he got refunded or something.
Seems to me that the Mod's don't like seeing this sort of stuff, OR it wasn't intentionally done by the mods.
Just one of those eff'ups.
- 06 May. 2010 04:17am #11
- 06 May. 2010 05:48am #12
- 06 May. 2010 07:27am #13
Somehow, I think that in this case the Halo's going to be recirculated back to where it once was.
Either way, I asked a couple of mods I know about this, and they said, they do it from time to time, but something like a Halo reentering the market is a mess up. That, and any large amount of hacked items in too large an amount.ool:
My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 06 May. 2010 08:29pm #14
Gaia really isn't that dumb, even though most of the old members find all of these updates (MTV, etc) Appalling.
Nobody is dumb enough to put an item that rare and that valuable circulated into the economy at such a low price.
It's already been proven illegit, but it doesn't take an econ 101 expert to figure out it was obviously not Gaia's doing.
- 06 May. 2010 09:19pm #15
Lawl at the idea that gaia was doing that to catch people using bots.
That would be hilarious.
- 06 May. 2010 09:29pm #16