Both are worth a couple of mill, yet I want to transfer everything to one account.
One account's had items removed twice and the other one I got a few weeks ago.
If I want to transfer all of my stuff, should I just make a mule and gift everything at once or should I just gift a few items every now and then to another account?
Results 1 to 12 of 12
Thread: So I have two accounts...
- 26 Apr. 2010 01:58am #1
So I have two accounts...
- 26 Apr. 2010 02:39am #2
- 26 Apr. 2010 02:46am #3
- 26 Apr. 2010 02:50am #4
- 26 Apr. 2010 04:16am #5
Make a forum make a few contests donate to whoever wins just be sure to win duh simple as that.
- 26 Apr. 2010 04:38am #6
- 26 Apr. 2010 05:22am #7
- 26 Apr. 2010 06:14pm #8
My advice is, liquidate the contents on one account, sell them for $5, and buy something nice with it. If you still want to keep the stuff, just move it in small amounts, that's all. You only have t
rry if you really start moving large amounts of stuff, like >1-1.5 million at a time. That gets red-flagged.
My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 26 Apr. 2010 07:38pm #9
Leaked off of a CE Forum, Creds to Garlaanx lol:
(He had a first method, but I think the second method is the best out of his two)
Lets say you do 150k gold a day with Dolphin Mania on your mule account. You should have around 5 accounts to do this method. You need to log into a proxy each and every time you do it.
Take your 150k thats on Mule A, trade 50k to Mule B, Trade 50k To Mule C, Trade 50k to Mule D. After all trades are complete, move on to the next step.
Now you have Mule B, Mule C, and Mule D, all with 50k. Trade the 50k on Mule B and C to Mule D. -- Good, Next Step
Now you should have all the dirty/hacked money on Mule D. Trade it all back to Mule A. Final Step
Now that Mule D has all the money, its ready to transfer it to your main account. You can do it all at once, but I suggest doing it in sums again.
Method 2 basically just takes your dirty money, tosses it around in numerous trades, tricking the system into thinking your just doing normal trades. Once all your money is on your main account, its almost 100% considered legit. You can do any sums that you want, you can even make it appear that your buying something from each mule. Just toss in a crappy item in each trade.
Both these methods have worked for me, for a very long time, and I have yet to have any of my account's flaged/warned/banned in Gaia.
Im sure theres other ways of doing it, but these 2 methods are what I use. Feel free to use them, or hell, feel free to just leave all your dirty money on your mule accounts without cleaning, doesn't really matter I guess, its basically just all free money-=Current Goals=-
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- 26 Apr. 2010 10:43pm #10
That's a nice guide..
I think it maybe shall be stickied?
- 27 Apr. 2010 02:49am #11
- 27 Apr. 2010 05:51pm #12
Gifting is the best thing and put anonymous