GUILD, not GUIDE, don't post talking unless you know what you're talking about.
So, awhile back there was a method of promoting yourself from Vice Captain to Captain(stealing a guild) if you can get promoted to Vice, does that glitch still work?
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Thread: Guild glitch?
- 28 Feb. 2010 05:45am #1
- 28 Feb. 2010 05:51am #2
i did that i sold a guild then got it back xD i think it stil works
- 28 Feb. 2010 05:52am #3
- 28 Feb. 2010 05:53am #4
Yea, Im pretty sure it still work.
Haven't really been checking guilds lately.
We can test it?
- 28 Feb. 2010 06:27am #5
i wanna do that
- 28 Feb. 2010 06:33am #6
i dont think you can anymore.the captain has to be inactive for 60 days before you can promote yourself to captain and takeover.
- 28 Feb. 2010 07:37am #7
Sounds enticing.
- 28 Feb. 2010 07:38am #8
But then again, you could just hack them.
Sorry if I seem n00by, I'm new to all this stuff.
- 28 Feb. 2010 07:52am #9
- 28 Feb. 2010 08:06am #10I will test to see if yes im fucking around with the vending guild
- 28 Feb. 2010 08:20am #11
that would help me alot
- 28 Feb. 2010 09:21am #12
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As of now that glitch is still working. It is currently not active until the Captain of the guild is considered inactive for at least one month, or is banned.
It is still possible to promote yourself to guild Captain, but it takes a while, and usually requires a member to go AFK for a few weeks, or to get themselves banned.
But to answer your question, it is still possible.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 01 Mar. 2010 06:04am #13
I would greatly appreciate the knowledge of how to do this.
- 01 Mar. 2010 06:05am #14
- 01 Mar. 2010 06:07am #15
Not that simple boob.
Once you get to VC, the captain has to be inactive for atleast a month or 60 days - Not sure which.
This happened to me before, my VC decided I wasnt active enough and took control of my guild.
It was a bad mistake, he got his ass chewed out xDLG's resident grammar nazi.
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- 01 Mar. 2010 06:07am #16
I was expecting a glitch, not tricking somebody.
- 01 Mar. 2010 11:53pm #17
yeah captain has to be inactive or banned
im leader of 1 and ive tested on a mule before making vice captains
- 02 Mar. 2010 12:48am #18
Its not working for me
I have tried numerous times
I do not think it works anymore..Signature By Eternal Darkness
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- 02 Mar. 2010 04:11am #19
- 02 Mar. 2010 10:31am #20
Why are people calling it a glitch? It isn't a glitch, it's exactly how the vice position is supposed t
rk. You have ALL of the captains powers, it's there so you can take over if the captain ends up leaving/banned, the guild isn't completely screwed.
they added the 60 day inactivity and/or banned account thing to stop things like this. but if you do this on your main account, you're an idiot. the logs in the guild can't be deleted and if caught/reported, you're gone.