This is a guide on how to make your own Mangos 3.1.3 Server using their official core and official scriptdev2 scripts... not some shitty repacks
And no. I do not know how to set up a 3.3.3 server.
Before you start, some notes:
-Do not delete folders untill it's done or the guide says so
-If you are having trouble making it... feel free to post
-You can always get the newest mangos core and scriptdev2 scripts from their repositories... but checking their official website once in a while won't hurt
-I will try to update the guide when new cores and databases (if it's required) are released
-If you see some grammar mistakes, broken links or anything wrong please tell me
1. Getting the Source
-In order to get the mangos files you need to install Git... you can download the installer here
-Right click on any folder and select Git GUI Here -> Click on Clone Existing Repository
-In the source location copy-paste this link git://
-In the target directory write C:\Mangos\Mangos Source
-Clone type should be Full Copy
-Click CLONE
-This should take a while... depending on your internet connection
-After it's done a screen will show up... close it
2. Getting the Scripts
-Install TortoiseSVN... you can get it here
-Create this folder C:\Mangos\ScriptDev2
-Right Click on it and select SVN Checkout
-The URL of Repository should be
-Checkout directory and the other options should remain like they are
-Click OK and wait...
3. Compiling
What do you need:
-First of all... create a folder where you will put the server files (the so called Server will be in this folder)... Let's say C:\Mangos\Mangos Server
-You will need Microsoft Visual C++... which you can get here
-You have to install it... this will take a while
-You may see in other guides that you have to install the SDK Platform for Visual Studio.. or .Net Framework 3.5 with SP1... don't worry about this... the Visual Studio will install these too... just let it do so :p
How to compile:
1. Core:
-Copy the ScriptDev2 folder in C:\Mangos Source\src\bindings\
-Go to C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\win and double click on mangosdVC90.sln
-Go to the Build Menu (press ALT+B) and click on Configuration Manager
-Change the Active Solution Configuration to RELEASE and Active Solution Platform to WIN32... now close it
-Press F7 or go to the [Build Menu and select BUILD SOLUTION
-This will take some time... and when it's over don't think it's actually over :p
-When you see ========== Build: 11 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== it means it's done...
2. Scripts:
-Go to C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\src\bindings\ScriptDev2 and double-click on scriptVC90.sln
-Go again to the Build Menu... but this time click on CLEAN SOLUTION
-Now we compile it like we did with the core (Go to Configuration Manager select Release and Win32... and Build Solution)
-This will take a shorter while...
-When you see ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== it means it's done...
You should see the results here C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\bin\Win32_Release
Copy the FILES from the Win32_Release folder into C:\Mangos\Mangos Server
4. Maps, Vmaps and DBC's
First of all... make sure your wow version is 3.1.3... or else the files you are extracting now will be useless
Maps and DBC's:
-Go to C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\contrib\extractor and copy ad.exe to your 3.1.3 wow folder...
-Double click it... and wait....... and wait...
-When its done copy the folders maps and dbc from your WoW Folder to C:\Mangos\Mangos Server
(These are not required... but without them you won't be able to activate LoS (Line of Sight)... so it will suck big time)
-Go to C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\contrib\vmap_extract_assembler_bin and copy all the files in your WoW Folder
-Run makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat from your WoW folder
-This is the longest part... go eat something until it's done...
-Go to your WoW Folder and copy the Vmaps Folder into C:\Mangos\Mangos Server
-The extractor created an aditionary folder in your wow directory named buildings, after you got the vmaps you can delete it
5. MySQL
You need to download MySQL Server... and a MySQL GUI...(i will use SQLyog in this guide)
You can download them here:
Installing the MySQL Server:
-Launch the MySQL installation application.
-Select Typical for setup type.
-Select Skip Sign-Up.
-When install is complete you will be given the option to Configure the MySQL Server Now. Make sure this is checked, then press finish.
-Select Standard Configuration
-Place a check in Install as Windows Service and Launch the MySQL Server Automatically. Service name should be MySQL
-Select Modify Security Settings. In the two empty dialog boxes, type in the password you wish to use for the MySQL root (aka Administrator) account. This is the most important account on MySQL and has full access to all databases and functionality. It’s recommended you use a very strong password to prevent access to your MySQL server instance. (If you plan on administering your MySQL instance from a remote machine, then select Enable root access from remote machines. If you don’t know if you need this, then do not select it.)
-Select execute to apply all of your configuration settings.
Installing SqlYog:
-Launch SQLyog installation application.
-Accept license agreement when prompted.
-Install in default location when prompted. (You can install in an alternate directory if you prefer.)
-When installation is complete, place a check in the box for Run SQLyog 5.31.
-When SQLyog launches you will be prompted to fill in the following:
* MySQL host address: Usually this will be localhost or the IP address of the server where your MySQL database is running.
* UserName: root
* Password: this is the password you selected in your MySQL installation for the root account.
* Leave other options to defaults.
-Press Connect.
6. The Databases
Creating the databases:
There are 4 databases: ]Characters, Realmd, Scriptdev2 and Mangos(world)... you can name them how you want... but i will name them like i did here
We will create them first and then fill them with the data
-Right click on root@localhost and select Create Database or press Ctrl+D
-Now you have to enter the name of the Database... name it Characters
-Do the same for the other 3 databases... but name them like this Realmd, Scriptdev2 and Mangos
-Press F5 to refresh
Importing the databases:
-Select the characters database and press CTRL+SHIFT+Q or right-click on it -> Import -> restore from SQL dump
-File to execute should be C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\sql\characters.sql
-Press Execute (if a screen pops up press yes)
-Select the realmd database and press CTRL+SHIFT+Q or right-click on it -> Import -> restore from SQL dump
-File to execute should be C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\sql\realmd.sql
-Press Execute (if a screen pops up press yes)
-Run your SqlYOG and connect to your mysql
-Go to your realmd database (click on the +)
-Go to Tables
-Go to realmlist
-Now, find 4. Table Data... click on it
-Replace MaNGOS with the name of your realm (anything)
-Replace with YOUR IP
-File to execute should be C:\Mangos\ScriptDev2\sql\scriptdev2_create_structu re_mysql.sql
-Press Execute (if a screen pops up press yes)
-(AGAIN, but other file!)Select the scriptdev2 database and press CTRL+SHIFT+Q or right-click on it -> Import -> restore from SQL dump
-File to execute should be C:\Mangos\ScriptDev2\sql\scriptdev2_script_full.sq l
-Press Execute (if a screen pops up press yes)
Mangos (world):
There are several databases for mangos... UDB, PSDB, YTDB, etc...
I am going to show you how to install the YTDB database... if you want another database use the guides on their official sites (links at the bottom of the guide)
-Go to C:\Mangos\
-Create a folder named YTDB
-Right click on the new created folder and select SVN Checkout, the URL is, click OK
-When it's done go to C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\ and extract YTDB_0.10.3_R500_rev8186.7z in this folder
-Run SqlYOG and connect
-Select the Mangos database and press CTRL+SHIFT+Q or right-click on it -> Import -> restore from SQL dump
-The file you have to execute is C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\YTDB_0.10.3_R500_MaNGOS_R8186_S D2_R1217_RuDB_R33.sql
Now you have a world database... but in order to make it compatible with your core you have to apply some patches:
-Select the Mangos database and press CTRL+SHIFT+Q or right-click on it -> Import -> restore from SQL dump (do this for each file)
-Execute the files in this order: (you have nothing to do with characters and realmd corepatches!)
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\501_corepatch_mangos_8186_to_8231.sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\501_mangos_FIX_(8231).sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\502_corepatch_mangos_8231_to_8277.sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\502_mangos_FIX_(8277).sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\503_corepatch_mangos_8277_to_8321.sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\503_mangos_FIX_(8321).sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\504_corepatch_mangos_8321_to_8361.sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\504_mangos_FIX_(8361).sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\505_corepatch_mangos_8361_to_8396.sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\505_mangos_FIX_(8396).sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\506_corepatch_mangos_8396_to_8425.sql
* C:\Mangos\YTDB\R50\Updates\506_mangos_FIX_(8425).sql
* C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\src\bindings\ScriptDev2\sql\mangos_scriptna me_full.sql
Now it's done
7. Configs
How to get them:
-Go to C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\src\realmd and copy in C:\Mangos\Mangos Server
-Go to C:\Mangos\Mangos Source\src\mangosd and copy in C:\Mangos\Mangos Server
-(In C:\Mangos\Mangos Server) Change the names of the files:
-from to realmd.conf
-from to mangosd.conf
How to Set them up:
-Open mangosd.conf using Notepad or any other text editor
-Find these lines:
-If you are using another username for mysql than root... change the root above to your usernameCode:LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;realmd" WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;mangos" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;characters"
-Change mangos to your mysql password
-If you are using other names for your databases change the names above with your databases' names
-The stuff above is to make sure your server works! Before changing other things... like exp rate... drop rate.. etc. make a backup of it!
-Find these lines:
-Change the values from 0 to 1Code:vmap.enableLOS = 0 vmap.enableHeight = 0
-Find these lines:
-The default value is 1 that means it's like on retail... for example if on retail mob A gives 100exp at level 2 when killed and your Rate.XP.Kill = 10, the mob will give 1000exp when killed... so it's a multiplierCode:Rate.XP.Kill = 1 Rate.XP.Quest = 1 Rate.XP.Explore = 1
-The same thing apllies with the other rates
-The rates for item drops are just above these ones
-Find this line:
-Like you did with the mangos.conf... you have to change mangos with your mysql password... and the username and database name if you are using other than defaultsCode:LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;mangos;realmd"
-Not too many things to change here... but if you want to do so... before screwing it make a backup
8. Starting your server
How to start:
-Go to C:\Mangos\Mangos Server and start realmd.exe and mangosd.exe
-Now wait until it loads(if it doesn't... open Server.log and copy the error here on this topic so we can help you)
To create an account:
-On the mangosd.exe screen write this:
* .account create [name] [password] (this will create the account with the desired user and password)
* .account set addon [name] 2 (this will allow the account to connect to the server using WOTLK expansion, 2-wotlk, 1-tbc, 0-no expansion)
* .account set gmlevel [name] 3 (this command will make the account a gm account, 3-admin, 2-gm, 1-mod)
(change [name] with your desired username and [password] with your desired password)
-Mangos Official Forums (bug fixes... new releases......)
-Mangos FAQ Thread (if you have any questions look here first
-Mangos GUI (a graphical mangos interface to help you manage the server)
-Mangos Database Editor [Quice] (for creating items, quests, npc... easy to use too)
-Good Mangos Repack (the only good one maybe... ac-web rulz at repacks)
-UDB Official Forums
-PSDB Official Forums
Results 1 to 5 of 5
- 27 Apr. 2010 06:44am #1
[Guide] How to make a 3.1.3 Mangos Server (Not repacks)
Last edited by Snipex01; 27 Apr. 2010 at 06:51am.
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- 01 May. 2010 04:46pm #2
3.1.3 is old >_>; and Mangos is complete trash. ArchEMU is where it's at!
/shakes head in disappointment.
- 04 Jun. 2010 08:40am #3
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- 05 Jun. 2010 04:47pm #4
Nice do you all Use the new version ?
- 18 Jun. 2010 11:04pm #5
thats helpful info,,,thank you