Time Travel, the possible savior to millions of innocent lives or even of altering the future in a way that would benefit all of the human race is a very possible thing. However the methods of the way it is achieved are different and analogous with the way that space travel, in a way that would make space travel achievable over exponentially long distances.
In theory the methods of time travel are rather broad. The theory of the use of worm holes in travel in space would be the most possible way, if being able to actually dialate and hold the worm hole in a stable condition long enough to pass through it without it closing and destroying everything attempting to pass through, it would allow for the moving through time at a great sped, and in a way that a given time would be able to be focused and able to arrive in. The worm hole theory is second to the Fermi Paradoc, the Grandfather Paradox, the existance and interconnection of the 10 Dimensions, Realitivity and Einstien's theory of travel and speed ceilings, and the Novikov self-consitancy and and compliancy theories, Gordel Spacetime, and Basic and advanced theory on Quanta.
Now, if you in theory were able to travel to the past, any actions could impact the future in a massive way Any level of interferrence in the past could result in the unmaking of the future, and creation of an alternate timeline in which nothing is as it should be. Think that one episode of Family Guy where Peter alters his past and ends up being married to Molly Ringwald, same principal.
Bring discussion to bring together the conversation , and allow for some decent in-depth one for a change.