So you have your first 3 sessions ready for implementation, and you have a good start on your fitness, but what can ruin your quest for the beach body? Your food. Here is a nice and simple dinner I have at least once a week:

16oz grilled salmon steak
1 bowl of rice
1 cup chopped asparagus
1 Nitrotech Protein shake

The salmon should be grilled to your liking but not too rare.

White rice is preferable, but you can use yellow rice or spanish rice if you wish.

There is no real difference in asparagus, just add salt so you do over hydrate with no salt.

The protein shake is to supplement your food and help with your workout recovery, its also good to have a nice test. booster as well, my preference is Cellucore P6 Extreme. It has all of what a high level test booster has and it has no anabolic features, it is definitely a plus to have in the gym.