I know everyone here is a Windows prod, but I think a *nix section would give a wider range of technologies to the forum. It could potentially entice people to come up and join.

I know I'd join up on it.

It'd be a place to discuss *nix systems, and although I disagree with guides and tutorials because you can do everything by RTFM, people could post those. If people have questions or want to learn, it'd be a good place to start. Or atleast get pointers. I'd be there to help.

*nix is a whole new world. And I'm not talking about Shitbuntu or Shittrack or Blackshit. I'm talking about actual operating system theory. The learning curve of using *nix. Setting up environments. Package editting, porting, etc. BASH. Administration and maintenance. Cronjobs, daemons, etc. Anything Unix-like. Solaris, *linux, *BSD, etc.

Although, the forum would probably get overrun by skids trying to use BackShit to be a 1337 Hacker.
It'd just be a hang out spot. Honestly, the documentation by devs is so well maintained tuts are't needed. People are still retarded and need them, though.

I just think a *nix forum would be nice. It doesn't fit into any other section. It's an entity of it's own.