/\ \__/  __  __    ___      __   __  __    ____  
\ \ ,__\/\ \/\ \ /' _ `\  /'_ `\/\ \/\ \  /',__\  by Zax0mA
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  \ \_\  \ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \____ \ \____/\/\____/ LITE
   \/_/   \/___/  \/_/\/_/\/___L\ \/___/  \/___/

uNk VIP Release by MacZ - unique version                                  


- AntiSandbox (currently supports all public anti-codes; no need to list them all)
- USB - NOrmal USB
- Unlimited Server-Support
- Firewall-bypass (just windows-fw and some simple ones)


- OG for his yim example, it was a rough base for my version
- crim for his msn sendfile and the rarworm method
- RageBot developers for their RAR-module, even if I had to tweak and recode much
- NZM/RX for their keylogger, took some lines from it


_____                                _______ __          
|     \.----.---.-.-----.-----.-----.|     __|  |--.--.--. <3
|  --  |   _|  _  |  _  |  _  |     ||__     |    <|  |  | <3
|_____/|__| |___._|___  |_____|__|__||_______|__|__|___  | <3
                  |_____|                          |_____| VIP

- crim for helping me alot, this would be shit without his help
- stel128 for doing such a great work and managing the best hacking site ;)
- nexos for giving me buttsekcs when i couldn't code anymoar <3
- Ic3Drag0n for beeing so gangsta
- mjd for doing beta-tests of my bin
- Whole uNk VIP

- All other people I forgot that know me :-)