ive gotten some great attempts for help here VS 2010 How-To Make Product Keys ? - VBForums
but this is what i want to make
im trying to make something to protect my application a simple serial key
the only thing i can think of is if textbox1.text = ("key") then blah blah blah you get it. what i really want is something that will allow me to add and remove keys without having to mod the application, something that would check a site like www.google.com/keys.html which would have a list of keys or www.google.com/keys.txt

This way i can make keys and give out my program but at the same time i can removed leaked keys

does anyone understand what im trying to get at?
thankyou inadvance
all it would do is download a text file and then scan that text file for the key that you put in textbox1
everytime it opens it would redownload the txt file.
so if your leaked key wasn't there it wouldnt open
i appreciate all the help tho!
does anyone know how i could possibly do this?
thanks in advance