Tutorial for Windows 32 bit.

  1. Download Python 3.1.2 (latest release as of this post). Install it.
  2. Download SIP 4.10.2 (latest release as of this post). Extract it to somewhere you can find it later on (Desktop?).
  3. Download and install MinGW 5.1.6 (latest release as of this post).
  4. Download and install GNU's Make for Windows.
  5. Go to your environment variables settings. Windows 7 just search 'path' on your start menu. Other versions of windows use google. Edit the user's environment variable 'PATH'. Add the following line (if you installed Python, MingGW, and GNU's Make in their default paths), without the quotes: ";C:\Python31\;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin;C:\MinGW\bin".
  6. Open your command line (DOS box). Windows 7 just search "cmd", without quotes, in the start menu search bar. Other windows can go to Start->Run->Cmd (type cmd). The black box should pop up. use the command "cd" without quotes and type the directory where SIP was extracted to. Mine would look like this: "cd C:\Users\Riddle\Desktop\sip-4.10.2" (without quotes).
  7. Type the following cmd into your DOS box: "python configure.py --platform win32-g++" (without quotes).
  8. After the configuration ends, type the following cmd: "make"
  9. After the make finishes, type the following cmd: "make install"
  10. If you followed the steps, then you should not have any errors so far. If you did have errors, please post here and I'll see what I can help with (without SIP installed PyQT4 won't work).
  11. Go to the PyQT4 Download Page and download the following binary for Windows: "PyQt-Py3.1-gpl-4.7.3-2.exe". After the download is done, install it.

If you'd rather develop with a visual designer, PyQT4 comes with an application named "Designer". Feel free to use it, and let me know if it's any good.

You're ready to begin developing with the PyQT4 library.

Tested in Windows 7.