Pretty much self-explanatory.
Only PM me for details about it if you actually have some sort of interest in buying it, or know someone who is SERIOUSLY buying one.
Obv I'll use a middleman. If you don't want to use a middleman then better believe you're going first. And I'll be watching you.
Offers in USD. Paypal only, no AlertPay, no Western Union, no money orders, and no cash stuffed in an envelope.
PM me if you have interest in it and the funding to back it up.
PS: Also taking offers on other rares, you know, the kind of stuff that you don't just fucking post in forums. HINT HINT. O ya I expect you to have at least SOME reputation. lmfao Middleman or not.
If inquiring of the nature of acquiring. PM me.
Results 1 to 34 of 34
Thread: S> Angelic Halo
Threaded View
- 09 Jan. 2010 02:36pm #1
S> Angelic Halo
Last edited by Lain; 09 Jan. 2010 at 02:42pm.