Hey everyone!

Hopefully there's a few wow nutty's on these forums aswell, that would be interested in a private server account, its a donator account obviously.
First of heres their website: Dispersion | New Era Has Begun (Instant 80 WOTLK) , as you can see the server is very high populated and its ranked amongst the top private servers out there and to be honest IT IS the best.

The account has V.I.P Status, wich means increased gold/gear drops, free faction/race/name changes and it also includes "the invincible reins" on all toons.

The account consists of

1 warrior, full BiS for PVE including shadowmourne.
It also has BiS for PVP. it has a few awsome mounts such as Abyssal War Hyena (costs 25k gold) , heart of the aspect, brown riding goat, Magic rooster..
It has ICC 10/25 HC full clear achievements, wich means it has the titles "The light of dawn" , "Bane of the fallen king" , "the kingslayer".. it also has a shitload of PVP titles, only the regular ones you get from honorable kills though. it also has the "Prophet" title.

1 paladin, BiS PVP Gear including shadowmourne
1 enh shammy, decent gear, around 5.7k GS
1 hunter around 6k GS
1 mage around 6.4k GS

Theres probably alot that ive missed...

As far as value goes ive spent around 260$ on the account, the shadowmournes alone were 100$

Im not saying i want 260$ worth of gaia items / gold for it.
Im looking for offers, even if you might think yours is to pathetic it might just not be because im looking to stop playing wow and start using gaia again.

So please do offer me something

Either reply in this thread or add me on skype ninj4n1

I can trade using a middle man or without, however if you're a new member etc, i probably would like to use a middleman unless i feel i can trust you seeing as ive been scammed here before and i really dont feel like loosing much more.