Not really sure what the prefixes are but okay.
# Panda Hat
# Mini Nitemare Wings
# Bunny Slippers
# Portable Stereo Headphones
Those are my top rares. I have other crap from 2004.
Want to be a jackass saying crap like, "UR A FEG YOU DONT GOT THESE, STOP USING PICTURES FROM YOUR MOM." lol
I will show you via teamviewer I have these items, so you can shut up.
Add me on msn, if wanting to make a deal.
ONE THING, I won't be trusting a middleman here. They are ran by little kids(teenagers) mainly. This is a big forums for gaiaonline so I'm not risking it with them I'm sorry.
You first or don't even add me. You can try scamming me, but I'll lose nothing, you'll lose your time. Thank you and bye.
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Thread: Account Worth: 2,785,977,744
Hybrid View
- 12 Mar. 2011 02:08am #1
Account Worth: 2,785,977,744
Last edited by Muazam; 12 Mar. 2011 at 03:30pm.
- 12 Mar. 2011 02:23am #2
you will use a mm of some sort?
- 12 Mar. 2011 03:30pm #3
Due to people thinking I'm scamming. I will be willing to use a MM on smaller item trades. Add me up for details.