Account(s) being sold: 2
Worth: 1,191,074 Gold
Legit(explain)?: Hacked
Lowest bid acceptable: Just Offer
Buy Now price: 90k USD: $6
Payment type(USD, GaiaGold, LG, etc): LG, USD, Legit GaiaGold
Extra information:
One of the Bandage ring isnt soulbound
Worth: 680,133 GoldCode:Ring: Guns,Guns,Guns 234,567 Ring: Slash 205,300 Ring: Dervish 195,000 Ring: Mantis 124,413 Ring: Diagnose 94,800 Ring: Bandage 94,175 Ring: Bandage 94,175 Ring: Meat 30,667 Ring: Improbability Sphere 26,998 Demonic Earmuffs 22,133 Spirited 2k8 Candycane Dress 3,668 Naruto Kunai 2,833 Naruto Kunai 2,833 You are a Cow 2,459 Red Heart Balloon 2,175 Zombie's Feed-Me Shirt 2,150 Skittles Rainbow 2,132 Mountain of Presents 2,039 Mountain of Presents 2,039 Zombie's Gelatin Brain on a Silver Platter 2,000 Cutie Chicky 1,980 Mimzy 1,974 Santa Cow Plushie 1,737 Spirited 2k8 Boots 1,475 Airhead Book 1,375 Chubbi Chicky 1,370 Spirited 2k8 Scarf 1,275 Spirited 2k8 Scarf 1,275 Labu Necklace 1,238 Labu Necklace 1,238 Black GetaGRIP Gloves 1,190 Cary's Guitar 1,100 Baby Chicky 1,025 Baby Chicky 1,025 Wind Halo 1,000 Skittles Beanie 980 Year One Soldier's Sword 980 Zombie's Meaty Limb 855 Spirited 2k8 Santa Hat 825 Spirited 2k8 Santa Hat 825 Black Wool Top 798 Red Heart Glasses 765 Tangled Christmas Lights 761 Tangled Christmas Lights 761 SKA wristband 760 Mall Cop Mustache 760 Feet Wraps 750 Plain Fluff Plushie 750 Jack'd Shoes 2k6 699 Buck Teeth 650 Spiderwick Field Guide 550 Blue Bannded Shirt 545 Kung Fu Panda Bamboo Staff 474 Black High Tek Sandals 450 Blood Drop Brooch 425 Radicool Blackout Trim Headband 420 Spirited 2k8 Festive Bow 414 Spirited 2k8 Festive Bow 414 Gold Water Balloon Trophy 400 Hotel for Dogs White Terrier 400 Spirited 2k8 Candycane Vest 372 Popstar Guitar 353 White Leather Ottoman 350 Purple Leather Ottoman 350 Orchid Partition Socks 300 Gray Collar Shirt 300 Skittles Belt 299 Red Punchingbag 250 Bee Movie Suit 200 Black T-shirt 200 Skittles Medallion 200 Beat slim orchid shoes 200 Chicken Mask 150 Wine Hippie Shoes 150 Short Red Socks 150 Long White Socks 150 Long Black Socks 150 Long Black Socks 150 Chicken Mask 150 Black Carpet Floor Tile 150 Clock Egg 133 Pot o' Skittles 122 Alien Mask 110 Left T Blox 100 Basic Fishing Rod 100 Blockhead 100 Flashy Summer Top 100 S Blox 100 Ohh~Cean Blue Head Wrap 100 Square Blox 100 Ubi Ramen 100 Ghosty 100 Castaway Pearl Shirt 100 Mall Cop Shirt 100 Castaway White Shirt 100
Legit(explain)?: HAcked
Lowest bid acceptable: Just offer
Buy Now price: 50k
Payment type(USD, GaiaGold, LG, etc):Legit Gaiagold/items, LG
Extra information:
Code:Bad Moon 196,368 Bad Moon 5th Gen. 182,825 Ring: Bandage 94,175 Ring: Solar Rays 71,111 Ring: Ghost 64,000 Ring: Duct Tape 35,000 Cheepz 15,425 Red Gunner Coat 3,000 October Birthstone Crown 2,760 Gray Field Cap 1,980 Shiny Black Short Shorts 1,920 Romani Glasses 1,800 Cuttlephones 1,729 Calico Bakeneko Facepaint 1,320 Ribbon Luv Sleeves Black 1,200
Also visit this thread for a higher worth account : [Link]
Results 1 to 14 of 14
Thread: Selling Accounts
Hybrid View
- 04 Dec. 2009 05:37am #1
Selling Accounts
Last edited by Google; 07 Dec. 2009 at 04:35am.
- 04 Dec. 2009 06:22am #2
Can i buy separate ? if can i will buy hidden ace 2th gen for 20k LG
- 04 Dec. 2009 06:25am #3
can i buy the gold?
- 04 Dec. 2009 06:41am #4
all my lg for first account?
- 04 Dec. 2009 06:57am #5
@reagon6998: Kay SEnd Lg and Username tho mail
@xtremeboi: How much are you offering >.>
@rape: You gotta add
- 04 Dec. 2009 07:09am #6
- 04 Dec. 2009 07:21am #7
Fill out itrader D<
Still looking for offers.
- 04 Dec. 2009 11:08am #8
Shure XD u fill mine too >D
- 04 Dec. 2009 11:10pm #9
- 07 Dec. 2009 12:38am #10
Everything is still on sale.
- 07 Dec. 2009 12:44am #11
- 07 Dec. 2009 12:45am #12
i'll give you all my LG plus a 200k gaia account, worth 20klg. So basicaly 40klg?
Edit: For your first account of course.Last edited by Devon; 07 Dec. 2009 at 12:46am. Reason: Clearifying.
- 07 Dec. 2009 12:58am #13
- 07 Dec. 2009 01:00am #14