I am selling everything on Gaia. They are inactive but I do sell some hacked ones for a lower price.Code:Item name: Hacked or Secured or idc: Current lowest marketprice: Price you want to pay: Your ratio: (secure stuff will be at a higher ratio)
Fill out and post it. You'll get it during the weekend or within 48 hours.
You must send payment as gift. You will go first unless you are in UG silver or a fellow trusted trader.
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Thread: Anything and everything GAIA!
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- 20 Aug. 2010 03:47pm #1
Anything and everything GAIA!
Last edited by Google; 24 Aug. 2010 at 10:42pm.
- 24 Aug. 2010 02:19pm #2
I'll include A free item every $35
- 24 Aug. 2010 07:26pm #3
Item name: Horns of the Demon
Price you want to pay: $5 XD
Your ratio: 1-2 dollars a mil preferably less but bleh.
- 24 Aug. 2010 10:38pm #4
Send the money to Edited as gift. Also include your Gaia username that you want me to trade with in the note section.
You will get a trade in 1-5hrs. I will contact you when I send the trade.
(!)I'm not selling lower than 2/mil. >> unless if you want a somewhat inactive.Last edited by Google; 24 Aug. 2010 at 11:56pm.
- 24 Aug. 2010 11:48pm #5
XD I'm not buying until september unless it's something I really want.
- 24 Aug. 2010 11:52pm #6
- 24 Aug. 2010 11:55pm #7
It's a long story for the reasoning of this but all i'm gonna say is cheap drugs and happy people and an empty wallet <3
- 24 Aug. 2010 11:58pm #8
I'll give you an somewhat inactive horns for $5 >>