USD only. Accepting payment only as gift due to past issues. Item is a legit account, with nothing wrong on it, I haven't done anything to the account, and it has been inactive since apx: January 6th, 2005
Highest offer wins. Autobuy is $20.
I am worth 10483920 (153 pure)
Code:Those Black 90s Gloves 980 Gray Peasant's Pants 30 Fox Ears 6500 Fat Lace Sneakers Fuzzy Gray 325 Black Olympic Tshirt 14000 Fox Tail 14750 White Olympic Tshirt 11000 Steel-plated Ninja Band 9920998 Castaway Black Boots 313 Were Mask 500 Dark Trousers 900 Really Jacked Up Pants 55000 Red Aero-D Top 3000 The Jack-et 23000 Lunar Cloak 120000 Navy Slick Cargo Pants 755 Ice Gauntlet 67000 Spirited Gloves 34900 Fire Gauntlet 69950 Heart shaped box of sweets 100 Gaia 2nd Anniversary Balloon 6500 Gaia 2nd Anniversary Party Hat 15000 Solar Cloak 68999 Zorro Mask 1500 Grunny Shirt 9400 Grunny Slippers 20550 Happy Ghost Sheet 787 Jack Uniform Shirt 7000 Jack Uniform Cap 10000
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- 06 Aug. 2010 10:49pm #1
10.4m worth account. Inactive since Jan 6, 2005