Selling pretty nice 8 1/2 yr LEGIT main account.
Yes, I said LEGIT, as in 100% legit, nothing is stolen, scammed, or hacked.
Account is 8/12 years old, the name kind of sucks in my opinion(it's my niece's first and middle name), but this account is worth a LOT. I would like USD for this account.
Account name format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bank Account Type: Ultimate Riches! 9,000,000 NP
Secret Avatars: 140+
8 game trophies
Size 45+ Gallery
Safety Deposit Box Qty: 2,000+ (probably a TON of rare, very expensive items in this that I don't even know about. Most of my expensive items are in my gallery, but I know there is some in my SDB too. Pictures of gallery items are available)
Main pet
Name format: XxxxxxXxxxxxx
Age: 3,000+ days
Level: 50+
2nd pet
Name format: Xxx#####
Age: Almost 3000 days
Level: 5-10
3rd Pet
Name format: XxxXxxxxxXxxxxx####
Age: Almost 3000 days
Level: 5-10
All pets are painted.
Screenshots of gallery available on request. I also have a wordpad list of items in my SDB that I think may be worth a lot, some definitely are, some may only be worth 100,000 NP or less.
Since I have barely even logged onto Neopets in the last 2 years, I would like to get rid of the account to pay for my upcoming wedding expenses. I would say that all in all, this account probably has at the very least 100 million NP worth of legit items, but I am probably underestimating.
I don't know how much this is worth, but I am trying to get the most I can out of it. Everything on there is 100% legit, I earned everything I have myself.
I think that's all the useful information needed when considering buying this account, but if you have any questions, please PM me, post here, or hit me up on msn. (
Start making your offers!
(also, any advice on selling accounts is greatly appreciated, as I've never done this before) Thanks!