LG autobuy: 222k LG
USD autobuy: $5

I am worth: 3,040,027 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 02 May 2010
(NOT Including current gold amount)
White Bun-Bun Plushie	346,667
Enchanted Book	311,297
Starbabies	274,175
Diapered Egg	221,096
Dander	188,561
Queen Bee	148,435
Cherry Blossom	123,892
Elemental Wings	104,178
Dreamer's Dust	98,169
Vanilla Buttercream Rose	97,319
Grace of Aphrodite	64,707
Princess Kaguya	61,767
Heartbreaker	57,917
Gwee the Dragon	53,959
Layla	50,577
Golden Sparkles	44,182
Opal Borealis	43,586
Moonstone Borealis	42,560
Will-o-the-Wisp	40,591
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin')	37,800
Head Case	34,956
Angelic Microphone	34,919
Bao	30,000
Heavenly Drapes	27,000
Seafoam Gown	25,261
Verizon Glasses	21,311
Pink Sweetheart Teddy	19,642
Mewpit	18,200
Kitty Slippers	18,139
Babe the Welsh Corgi	17,188
Blue Sweetheart Teddy	17,038
Dark Elf's Aura	11,438
Otafuku Mask	10,667
Street Fighter IV Megapack	10,462
Mu Plushie	10,163