6am phone call from a 202 number calling about me not paying any taxes and they were saying i would go to jail.
mistake number one debt collection and even the feds would never call anyone over back taxs they send a letter.
the woman on the phone obviously didn't understand English very well and she sounded of Hispanic origin and illegal at that.
mistake number two impersonating and officer (she be a dumb bitch whose going to jail TM) of the law and not spending the time not learning proper English.
Threatening me on not paying my taxes...
mistake number 4 - you fucked with - THE WRONG PERSON - i go on google get a phone trace and i blurted out all the information of were the phone call was coming from and i was like i have set of skills i know where you are i know where this phone call is coming from if you call again i will make sure your only phone call will be the one you get when your in jail trying to scam *****s and they hung up.