Hello GlaebenDuvainorLaergulon,

This is an official warning from Gaia Online for advertising.

The following post/thread made on Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:57 am was deleted:

Logical Gamers has users that buy and sell all gold and items. With our own marketplace prices are based on the needs of others. Visit today and become a part of our family

Sending or posting unsolicited advertisements for non-Gaia sites or services anywhere on the site is not permitted. Buying, selling or trading non-Gaia goods for Gaia gold, items or accounts is not permitted. Non-Gaia goods includes but is not limited to currency, accounts or items from other games/sites; key codes or serial numbers from games, software or gift cards; copyrighted downloads such as movies, games and music; real life merchandise and off-site services and real currency.

We recommend that you check out our Terms of Service and Rules & Guidelines to learn more about appropriate behavior on Gaia.

Please be aware that continuing this behavior could potentially result in further actions being taken, up to and including a permanent account ban.

We appreciate your understanding as we try to keep Gaia a safe, fun place for all members!

Gaia Online Site Moderator