I'm currently looking for a game for me and my girlfriend to co-op play in.
We're both very in to gaming, so it's kind of our way to bond sometimes.

We've recently played DCUO, ratchet and clank, the sims 3( though not an mmo or a story line game ),

We want a game that we can both advance in. Preferably an MMO, but for ps3. Seeing as we have one laptop, but 2 ps3's.
For example we both played DCUO as me being a tank and her being a healer, we both love customization, and leveling up.
If you can find me another gaming laptop or computer for under 200$ that'd be cool though. ( We got our Win7 laptop with 5gb ram and a gaming gfx car for 350$ trolol dat craigslist ).

So yea, any suggestions on which games we can pick up? I'm fine if I have to buy two games for my consoles, but it's got to be something with customization,and in depth character creation, and rpg elements we can both utilize.

Thanks in advance