My house is a shithole.

Every time I try to clean anything, it always gets dirty again within a week.

My dad and mother both say they try to clean and the same thing happens, but I've never seen them clean anything.

In my mom's case, it's understandable, she works 12 hour shifts 5 days a week, not getting home til midnight.

My dad just sits around doing nothing all day.

My mom has stated several times, and hinted heavily, that she hates living here.

I'm terrified that she might leave.

I don't want to actively talk to my dad about it, cause I feel like it'll fuck something up.

so, I've been trying to get him to clean. For 3 hours.

And he just absolutely refuses to. He's been making excuses constantly, bullshit ones.

I don't want to stay here, cause it sucks. I try and get people to clean, and oftentimes attempt cleaning on my own, but everyone just yells at me saying my room is dirty, despite it being 95% laundry because my room is barely 9x10.

But I can't leave. And I'm afraid for my mom to leave. Terrified.

I feel honestly scared of being left with my little brother, in my father's care. At that point, I'd be requesting friends to take me in, because my dad is that unreliable.

He procrastinates for months before doing anything, and constantly complains about feeling too shitty to do anything.

I don't know what to do LG.

I don't know what to do, and I'm scared.
