First note: My name in cursive twice, plus a checklist from her birthday.

Second note front: Todo list for some random shit
Back: Wedding plans. Lol

Third note: The same list of shit to take with her on her trip here for spring break, repeated 6 times.

Fourth note: (verbatim)
ToDO: (chris based)

1. Movies - Harry Potter 7 pt2
2. 100 ways to kiss note (Note from Kain: Don't have this anymore, or i'd write it out cause it's hilarious)
3. Dairy Queen
4. Hill (Note from Kain: This ended up being a massive shitfest, there were bugs EVERYWHERe/it was freezing cold, depending on which trip up this was for)
5. Bowling (Not from Kain: Never went, apparently bowling alleys are closed on sundays in North Dakota.)
6. Note in Pocket (Note from Kain: Never happened, as far as I can remember.)
7. Show Drawings (Note from Kain: They were okay.)

Fifth note: 'I love you' in orange marker, surrounded by stars and shit.

Sixth note:
'Chris + Leann' in a heart
'I Love Christopher [redacted] Perry'
'I <3 You With Alllll My heart!'

seventh note:
"Knock knock
Who's there?
Kiss who?
Kiss mee of course"
(Note from Kain: I shit you not.)

Eighth note:
'Chris + Leann Perry' 800 times.
An attempt at drawing me, scribbled out. Pretty sure my chihuahua was in the picture too, kinda hard to make out.

Ninth note:
Drawing of herself, saying she's sorry.
Don't even remember why I got upset with her, but she probably imagined it. She did that all the time.

Tenth: Same thing.

'Chris Christmas List
-Teddy bear maybe?'
(I got all three, the socks are awesome.)

Twelfth: Another list of shit to bring on her way down here.

-Lava Lamp (Still have, Still awesome)
-Teddy Bear (yes, another one. Still have it, it plays video games with me cause I love stuffed animals.)
-Poem (never happened)
-Black sweatshirt
-Red shirt(no idea what these were for)'

These were all found in my suitcase, just now. She must've snuck them in when I left last time I went up to see her, expecting me to find them or something when I got back.

It only took me a year.