This whole thing is getting out of hand. Why is there so much e-drama? I get it you want to prove that you e-dick is bigger by arguing with someone that you don't even know. Yea they post on the same site that you do, but that doesnt mean that you argue with them over the most menial shit.

The whole, getting into a mods face is bullshit. You don't know what it is like to have to do that job, plain and simple. All of the LG members that were frmer mods know what it is like, especially the last batch since we had to deal with all of the spam and bullshit while Alex was working hard to keep LG from sinking like the Titanic. You don't know how hard it is, calm down, its their job, deal with it.

For the staff, relax more, don't jump on people. Its ok, I promise, it will all be alright. Just keep your damn composure and do your job. Its alright, I swear it.

For anyone that is a spammer or a lame ass troll, grow up, get a life, or kill yourself, your time has started 30 seconds ago and your time limit is 40 seconds, and pick your choice. . . .now, or have someone else pick for you.

As for new rules for the JY, what the fuck? Are you serious? Is all of that really necessary? Just put down the original rules: don't break our fucking rules, and don't be a total dousche-nozzle. Its pretty much that simple. Follow the rules, don't be an asshole, and be good. How hard is that?

If you seriously are gonna flame me on this for any reason, go ahead, I couldn't care less because most of you are acting like immature little bitches and won't man up to when you're wrong. Grow the fuck up and pull your head out of your ass.

Grow up, LG was never this baby-ish for LG 1.0, and I know, new LG, new rules, but this is getting idiotic. People are starting e-drama and nothing is being done except for the very brief introduction of the Shitter, shich would be an epic fail of an idea, sorry Alex, or Sk8ter or Chad or whoever thought of it, but that idea was fucking retarded.

And now I am going to stand by for all of the imminent flaming from new members that don't know anything and just want someone to target, and the infractions/warnings that I know are imminent.

And yes this was a fucking rant from someone that is more than 100% loyal to LG, and that is worried about it, so do what you want, but it won't stop the truth.