I'm tired and bored waiting for everyone to go to sleep so i can be on the computer and watch a movie or something.

Request a program. I like how you guys want programs and when the chance comes to request one you don't take it.


http://forum.logicalgamers.com/gaiao...old-guide.html Haven't seen a guide from Soul in a while. I never contribute so it doesn't matter.


http://forum.logicalgamers.com/spam-...line-gold.html Free stuffffffff?


Ugly chick saying how she likes me on fb Martin trying to look cool saying a girl likes him but i doubt it.


lol A daily thread of Omlett talking about Monster. Nothing new there.


Writing Team I can never write for no reason....I can never write ever even if it's for homework.


500th POST! I remember when i had 500 posts i didn't really give a fuck.


Hey they're done, but there's a catch. Another excuse just to buy him some time.


GG Finally Gone? Drama drama but who cares.


Portal is fun every time :) Portal can lick the inside of my hairy butt hole.


Obey. This kid just doesn't get it. I really want to know what goes on in this kids head.


I've begun playing minecraft. Another faggit playing a gay mans game.


U jelly? Tricked you all except for me and Stapled.


M0NST3R likes to lie about sublime 7 2 in 1 day what the fudgesickles? You guys notice how Omlett wants to believe Sublime 7 so bad that he tries so hard to deny it. Omlett just let it go you 12 year old.


Not going to school :D Some loser made a thread talking about his gay life. What else do you expect on lg?


Question of the day :

What do you want me to add/improve/takeout of 'Today on lg!'?