Quote Originally Posted by CL0V3R View Post
How many times do we honestly have this topic on LG in some form or another.
Yes there is a chance, no it's not likely... But there still is a chance.
Yes, you're being retarded for not using a rubber. If you're gonna bitch about how it doesn't feel as good. Q__Q Why don't you try using a different condom brand?
If you're using trojan those suck dick, try using Durex, Life styles(meh), Beyond 7, ect.
I've already stated in like fifty zillion threads Beyond 7 condoms are pretty good they're thin, and I've never had a problem with them like at all.
Here is a review of the best condoms. Read it and invest in some:
Best Condoms Reviewed

I seriously hope though this has you worried.
This way, next time you decided to pork your girlfriend you'll make sure to have a raincoat.

Ps. The morning after pill can have some serious side affects and should not be used all the time.
(It's spose to be a counter measure for accidents, this was just pure stupidity homie G slice.
Remember you can't just pop those bad boys like they're skittles.)
You can't tell me what to do, you're not my father mother. D=<