Well I am new to this site, but I am not new to gaming/discussion board websites. My name is Cody. I am in school studying business management. I started with gaia but leaned away from it after awhile, after having some very successful accounts become banned. I now currently have a very hefty account that just kinda sits their, I get on from time to time. I just wish I still had the time to do online gaming :/. I play Xbox if anyone has one of them, I have live (;. Well I don't know what else more to say about myself. Hopefully I make some friends along the way. I just got a new school laptop, and I kind of want to get into programming. So if anyone has some pointers it would be really appreciated (:. So hopefully will be my pleasure to meet some of you.

Edit: Well I am technically not all too new to this site. I got on it one time two years ago but lost interest, but figured I'd come back and see if I can gain any.